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Six Years Later

Don't you hate it when it's three o'clock in the morning and suddenly get a phone call? I do.

My phone buzzed like there was no tomorrow and I was too annoyed and awake, so I answered. "Hello?" my voice became harsh and angry.

"Rylie, I am so sorry to wake you up so early, but can you pack pronto?" my mom sounded anticipated and worried.

"Why? What's going on?" I grew concerned, quickly sitting up.

"I will tell you later... just start packing now, be by the airport at four-thirty; your plane ascends at five. Do not worry, I all ready paid for your two plane tickets." And with that she hung up leaving me to ponder.

+ + +

For about seven hours, I have been thinking about my mom's and I's conversation. Is something wrong with my dad? Is something wrong with her? My mind started going ballistic with multiple scenarios.

Rushing out of the plane, I see my parents standing there with big smiles and wide open arms. They seem to be okay. "Riley It's so nice to see you!" my mom pulled me into a bone crushing hug, however unlike my mom, my dad gave a gentle squeeze.

"Hi mom! It's nice to see you too!" I reply, brushing loose hair behind my ear.

"I know you are wondering on why I bought you two plane tickets. . ." Her voice got quieter as she was speaking. ". . . Mason is getting married!" I froze in place, bile rose up my throat, and it's as if the world complete stopped. I know I shouldn't act this way- he is not mine. He never was.

"Oh." That's the only word that could register out of my mouth.

"Come on Riley, we need to board the plane."

+ + +

After reaching the second airport, we entered their city, and in a matter of seconds, memories came flushing back. I stared at the hospital where Mason and I said out goodbyes. I saw the restaurant where I waited for Mason but he never came. Why is everything about Mason?

I doze off, causing my parents to tell me we made it. I whipped my head to face the house. Without thinking, I exit the taxi not caring to grab my luggage. My head twists and turns, trying to find anyone. No one. Turning on my heels, I hear a door open and I look to see who it is; Sawyer. Clearing my throat, Sawyer snaps his head up towards me and gives a puzzled look.


I grin from ear to ear, and so does he. He runs down the stairs giving me a bear hug. "Hello to you too, Sawyer!" I laugh. Sawyer lets go and his smile doesn't go away.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"Because I'm here for Mason's wedding. Didn't you know that?" I asked innocently.

Sawyer rubbed the back of his neck indicating that he's uncomfortable (I learned that when I lived here). I tilt my head, my face dropping. "I wasn't invited was I?" Without saying a word, I could all ready tell by the look on his face that I was not invited. Then why would my mom bring me?

"Oh, okay." I said breathlessly, not trying not to let the fact of me not being invited get to me.

"If it make you feel any better, I was just about to go tuxedo shopping." he gave a cheeky smile.

"I'm sorry but I would rather go dress shopping." I try to laugh but instead it sounded like a terrible cough. I cleared my throat, "Lets get moving!" Sawyer's face brightens up and we stride out the door.

Riley's Tale on the Opposite Gender- Epilogue One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now