Chapter 1

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This one is actually really dirty but whatever.

-Kirishima Pov-

"So, you and a partner of my choice will be doing a project. You will have to study the reaction of the body when it is with someone they like, and someone they don't like and compare them. The project is due in a month." Aizawa announced.

I adjusted myself in my seat, thinking about who my partner would be. If I were lucky, Denki would be my partner and we could get this project done.

"Ok, first pair, Todoroki and Midoriya. Second pair, Kirishima and Bakugou," Aizawa continued going over the pairings until the lunch bell rang.

I had no idea who 'Bakugou' was.

"Denki, who is Bakugou?" I asked.

"He's the blonde boy over there, be careful he's a ticking time bomb." He points across the room.

Everyone else had walked out of the room for lunch, leaving me and Bakugou.

I walked over cautiously.

"Um, you're Bakugou, right?" I asked in a shy voice.

"No I'm his bitch, of course I'm Bakugou what the fuck do you want extra?"

"Uh... When can we meet up for the project...?"

He handed me a piece of paper,

"That's my dorm number, be there at 6:00, if you're not I'm starting without you and I'm going to say you didn't do any work, got it you damn extra?"

I nodded, looking down at the floor as he left.

I hope he doesn't hurt me...

-Time skip to 5:50-

I had got some of the materials I had needed, such as, a notebook, my laptop, and a bag of assorted candy in case I got hungry.

I started my way down the hall and got to his dorm. I lightly knocked on the door.

I waited for a few seconds before I seen an angry Bakugou.

"What are you standing there for, get your ass in here before I drag you by your shitty hair."

I silently walked in, his dorm was neater than I expected.

There was various All-Might posters and other little hero figurines.

"Sit the fuck down."

I sat down on the floor in front of a low table. I put my laptop in the middle, and spread out my other stuff on the table.

"What should we did first for the um...p-project?" I asked. His glare was so intimidating.

"Let's just take the damn notes, shitty hair."

I typed up the information on the human heart and such.

After about an hour, I had finally said something, breaking the awkward silence.

"I um got the notes. Do you have yours done?" I said, looking up from my notebook.

"Yea, I don't spend hours with shitty extras and have no reason for it."

"Ok... Do you want to go over them, or just start the research page?"

"Research pa-"

He was cut off by the electricity going out.

I am terrified of the dark.

I could barely see.

I had heard a muffled voice over the intercom.

"Hello students! The power has gone out by some technical difficulties, please stay in the current dorm, it could take until tomorrow to get the power running, thank you!"

I hugged my knees and had hope that Bakugou was still there.

But he wasn't.

"B-Bakugou?" I said, legs wobbling as I got up.

I felt something from behind me.

Then it touched my shoulder.

I automatically activated my quirk and attacked the unknown figure.

The little explosions had blasted me in the face.

"Get off you fucking extra, before I throw you out and you can sleep in the hallway."

"S-sorry..." I stood back up.

It was still dark, but my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"What, are you scared?"

I nodded.

He started laughing like a maniac.

"How the hell can you be scared of the dark, aren't you like 15?!"

"I just am, leave me alone!"

"Damn you really are an extra!"

After a few minutes, he stopped making fun of me. I stayed as close as possible to him, my back against his.

"Can't you just lean up against the damn bed?"

I turned so my back was resting on his bed frame.

"I'm going the fuck to bed," He threw me some blankets and a pillow and climbed into his bed.

I curled up in the blanket. I was still terrified, even worse now than ever because I could see under his bed, pure darkness.

I climbed in his bed, making sure not to touch him so he wouldn't notice.

I squished against the wall, my boobs not making it any easier because they were almost touching his back.

I curled back up with the blanket he gave me.

It smells like him...

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