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It's been seven years since the accident...the accident that killed the hero of Mobius, the blue blur...faker.

An accident...yeah right, they weren't there when he died, only the others and I were there when it went down, but...only I alone saw him fall.

When the 'accident' happened, the person responsible for his death got away and it was my fault. I was too focused on faker at the time so I didn't go after him...after all, I knew faker didn't have much time left.

A bullet to your chest doesn't leave you with much time.

Even though I didn't go after him, I did get a glimpse of what he was wearing...a dark cloak. The only distinguishing feature on it was a crest on the sleeve. I couldn't recognize it from anywhere and when I described it to the others, it was the same result. The crest was a giant black star with a rugged 'G' in the middle, along with two 'R's in the bottom points. There were also crosses coming out of the inward corners. These crosses, along with the letters, were written in white. 'G.R.R'. It's obviously an important symbol for an organization, but why would they want to kill faker like that? It wasn't for spite, otherwise they would have done it when people were around, and it wasn't for revenge, otherwise, they would've done more than just shoot him and there would've been more people.

Even so, they succeeded. They killed him, and no one from Mobius knows what really happened because of G.U.N.

G.U.N was the first to know about what had happened on the ark when we got back. And because there was no real evidence on what truly happened, the only thing the public got to know was that the hero of Mobius was no more due to an 'accident'.

The president actually made that day a Memorial Day as to remember the hero and everything that he has done. So every year on this day, there was a minute of silence, then a speech to commemorate him.

Throughout the first few years, the world went silent, no one dared to even mention faker's name. Especially to a certain two-tailed yellow fox who saw faker as an older brother. There have been multiple times when his name slipped someone's tongue and his name alone made the fox kit burst into tears and break down. All of us did what we could to help the kit, including me, considering I know perfectly well what the loss of a person who you saw as a sibling felt like. Well, feels like...

During those years, I guess Tails and I grew closer and therefore I got closer to the others as well instead of just always being with Rouge and Omega. Silver and Knuckles annoy me, Silver because of his ignorance and Knuckles because of his need to challenge me every once in awhile. He never wins. After all, how are you meant to win against someone who was genetically modified to fight.

In the past year or two, things have started to get better. People were no longer depressed about the loss of their hero and started to move on with their lives. Tails, although he has not fully gotten over him, has started inventing again and made another ship, considering the one they used to go to the ark was destroyed. Cream has been taking care of animals in the forest. She's been nursing them back to health when they get sick or injured. Knuckles is still guarding the master emerald. Rouge is still working at G.U.N along with Omega and I. Amy is looking for someone to love. She actually tried to get with me once, but of course, I ignored her and she eventually backed off. Blaze and Silver had actually tried to date but they gave up, saying that 'they were just too much like siblings to one another'.

Now it's been exactly seven years since he's been gone. You'd think I'd have actually been happy about his death since most think that we were just enemies or rivals. I thought that too, but around a week before the 'accident', I felt different around him, like I didn't despise or hate him anymore. It was actually the opposite and it freaked me out, so I distanced myself from him and I didn't feel it. I still don't know what that feeling was and I doubt I'll ever find out. What I do know, is that I miss him, but I don't know why.

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