Welcome to Team Free Will

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" Get the fudge away from me!" I screamed while running away from my attacker. I ran till I know I lost track of him and escaped his grasp. Letting out a small sigh, I held up my gun and flashlight touring the whole place. The light from the flashlight reflected off some mirrors in the room, causing me to startle. My footsteps took me into a doorway where a hand went over my mouth and my waist taking me with them. I struggled to get free from the kidnapper.

"Shhh.. Be very quiet. You don't want the son of bitches after us do you?" That's when I licked his hand and run off, only to be stopping by another.

"Please, there's a vampire after me just let me go!" The grips on my wrists were pretty tight.

"You're better off safe with me." Then the person picked me up and threw me over his shoulders and I shrieked.

"Really Sam? Your best option is to throw girls over your shoulders? No wonder why not one girl will frick frack with you. "

"Shut up Dean."



" Assholes." I muttered. Then they carried me to their car and drove off. I was silent during the entire ride. I was watching the grass go green to tan. I knew we were leaving town. With people I didn't know.

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