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"My name's Jeff!" Played on the tv. The iconic scene made me laugh so hard I started to tear up. Something was wrong. Youngjae wasn't laughing even though this was his favourite scene out of this whole movie. "Babe, is there something bothering you?" you questioned as he just stared at the 50 inch tv with a blank facial expression. There was nothing but silence that filled up the room. He finally broke the silence. "Y/N I need to tell you something" he said calmly. He stood up without hesitation and pulled me up. "I got to go back to Korea" he muttered his voice cracked. You were wondering if he going to come back. You stood there with a serious puzzled facial expression. "I'm not..."Youngjae started to speak. "You're not what?" You asked worried. "I'mnotcomingback" Youngjae said all jumbled up. Tears started to harshly pour down your face. His hands reached out to wipe your tears but you smack his arm. "I'm sorry" he pleaded. You being the cruel,rude,cold person you are left his apartment. You couldn't breathe properly. All you saw was red. Were you sad? No. Were you worried? No. Were you angry? Yes.

Pffffft He doesn't love me! I should just leave!

Sorry it's so short next chapter coming out on Thursday 😊

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