Chapter 1

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Meryl walked up to the counter at Starbucks and ordered her usual non-fat latte. She paid and walked down to the pick-up counter. She looked down to put her wallet in her purse, and looked back up to see a familiar face across the room.

Meryl freaked out and tried to turn around so he wouldn't see her face. But instead of stealthy hiding, she ended up knocking over a chair and drew even more attention to herself. She turned around and saw that he was looking right at her. She saw him stand up and walk over to her. They met eyes and he smiled at her. She tried to walk away, but one, she didn't have her coffee yet, and two, there was a wall right behind her. She didn't know what to do, she hadn't seen him in five months!

"Hey! Meryl!" She heard him say. She had no idea what she was going to do, so she did the only thing she could think of. She slapped Maks right in the face. "Meryl! What the hell was that for?" "I think you know what that was for" Meryl said sternly. She took her coffee off the counter, walked though the crowd of staring people, and went out the door.

Meryl jumped into her car and put her key in the ignition. She swerved out onto the road and she spilled a little bit of her coffee. "Crap!" She muttered as she put napkins on the spilled coffee. She wiped up all the coffee and was able to focus on driving again. "Okay, okay. Where to go? Where to go!" Meryl thought out loud. She got to a stop light and decided to turn left instead of the usual right she takes. She raced down the street, pulled into the driveway, hopped out of the car, and knocked on the door. If Meryl was stronger, she might have broken the door down she was slamming it so hard.

Tanith answered the door and Meryl burst inside. "Where's Charlie? No, I don't really need to talk to Charlie, I just have to talk to someone about this!" Meryl blurted. "He's in the kitchen." Tanith laughed. Meryl sprinted into the kitchen, followed by Tanith. "CHARLIE!" Meryl yelled. "What the hell? Meryl? Why are you here?" Charlie said spinning around. "Maks is here" Meryl said quickly. "What? I can't understand you." Charlie said. "MAKS IS HERE!" Meryl yelled. Charlie started bursting out laughing. "Why is he here?" Tanith asked, giving Charlie a look that said 'I will kick your ass if you don't stop laughing'. "I have no idea, but I was in Starbucks, and he saw me, then he walked up to me and - " Meryl said out of breath. "What did you do?" Charlie and Tanith said at the same time. "I may have slapped him in the face...." Meryl said softly. "What?!? Why would you do that?" Tanith said shocked. Charlie just burst out laughing. "You never heard what happened to Meryl after she told Maks she loved him?" Charlie said looking at Tanith. "I talk about it all the time" Charlie said as he started laughing again. "No...what happened?" Tanith said and turned to Meryl. "Well, it was Monday night before our freestyle. Maks was backstage getting his costume. I had already changed into my costume, and I walked up to him. I pulled him into one of the dressing rooms and pulled back the curtains so no cameras would catch us. He asked me what I was doing and I said back to him, 'I love you Maksim Chmercovskiy, from week 1. We've had this obvious connection and I can't ignore it anymore' I then kissed him with a little more tongue then I wish I had. He seemed very happy after that. I sprinted out of the dressing room to let him change. He then, after he was finished changing, walked right behind me and said 'I love you too' and he kissed me" Meryl said. "Well - I don't really see the part that's bad in that story" Tanith said looking confused. Charlie, who still couldn't control his laughter, said, "tell her what happened Meryl! Tell her!" Charlie said. Meryl sighed, but was interrupted by Charlie. "Ugh! You take too long! Ok, ok....Maks then went off that night and hooked up with a random girl from the bar!" Charlie said as he fell out of his chair laughing. Tanith gasped. "Charlie! Stop laughing! That's awful, Meryl! When did you find out?" Tanith asked. "Maks told me AFTER I had slept with him the night we won the mirror ball trophy" Meryl said. Charlie was still laughing. "I'm so sorry!" Tanith said. "And Charlie - you're most definitely NOT going to that hockey game tonight." Tanith said as she stood up and walked over to the sink. Charlie stopped laughing and walked over to her. "But you know that this is the only time the players are able to put this meeting together...MOM" Charlie begged as he wrapped his arms around Tanith's waist. "No, Charlie! You just laughed at Meryl and this awful story!" Tanith said. "Ok guys, I gotta go and figure this out" Meryl said. Charlie started laughing again at the thought of the Meryl and Maks situation. "That's it, Charlie!" Tanith said. "You're going to go with Meryl and help her figure this out!" Tanith said going upstairs. "Where are you going?" Charlie called up to her. "Packing you an overnight bag. You're going to stay with Meryl until she goes and talks to Maks and figures this thing out" Tanith said. Meryl felt uneasy thinking that Charlie was going to fix this thing between her and Maks. "Oh god" Meryl muttered. "What did you just say?" Charlie asked sarcastically. "Nothing! I just don't think that you're the right guy to solve this situation" Meryl said. "Eh - you're probably right, but have to try...don't we?" Charlie said with a big smile. "Yeah, I guess so" Meryl sighed. "Want something to eat? I just started making pasta!" Charlie said as he walked back into the kitchen. "Sure, why not" Meryl smiled as she followed Charlie into the kitchen.

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