The Undertaker

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A boy, around 16, is walking through a park, at night. he sometimes comes here to think. He is wearing a blue hood, which seems to be a bit too big.His hair is a light brown color, and is long and hanging in his eyes, as his parents would never take him to get it cut. his eyes are very large, and hazel, yet they fit on his face perfectly. He, to his happiness, looked like neither of his parents. His skin is somewhat pale, but not much. He is tall, and slim, but you could not tell by his outfit. He wore a Blue Zip-Up hood, which is Much to big, Baggy jeans that hang over his Nike sneakers. He also had a little sister, Antoinette, who was only 12, but had the mind of a four year old. She was bright eyed, funny, and bubbly, but she would always stick up for her brother.The two had always been beaten-for nothing, every day, in fact. Thoughts of the beatings clouded The boy, Chase Duely's, mind as he sat down on a park bench. He wondered how he would get home, without getting beaten.He had been out past curfew. He sighed, and got up, Ready to go home. The Images of How badly he and Antoinette had gotten beaten last time clouded his mind as he crossed the street, into the bad part of town and to his house.He silently opened the door and walked in. he headed to his room when-

"Hey! You! Get over here now!" his father yelled. Chase cringed and slowly turned around.

His father threw a beer bottle at him. Chase saw Antoinette lying in the corner, bleeding from the mouth. Chase tried to think of ways to get out of this, but before he knew what was going on, he was being beaten. His parents then sent he and Antoinette to their room, where they slept on the floor. 

The next morning, Chase got up extremely early, despite the fact that it was a Saturday. He woke his sister up, and Together they walked out of the house, and went to the park like they did every Saturday. When.When they got to the park, Chase sat down on a park bench as Antoinette went and bothered all of the park animals. He smiled when she brought him a frog, then ran after the frog when it escaped. He checked his watch, and got up from his seat on the park bench, ready to go home.

"Come on, Antia!" He said, going up to Antoinette and holding out his hand to her.

She looked up at him and took his hand, a ball in her other hand, ready to go. With that, they walked over to the street. They stood and waited, until---Antoinette's ball rolled into the street. she let go of Chase's Hand, and ran into the street after it. She grabbed the ball and looked at Chase. 

"I got it!" she said Cheerfully.

Chase saw a car coming own the road, heading right for Antoinette .

"Antia!" Chase yelled,Fear racking his entire body.before he knew it, he was running into the street after her. he pushed her out of the way, and the car saw him. It swerved and attempted to miss Chase, but was too close. It hit him, leaving Antoinette on the sidewalk, looking at her brother being hit by a car. The man from the car got out of his car to see what he had hit, and as soon as he saw Chase, he called an ambulance.

Soon, Chase woke up in a hospital room with his Sister, mother and father in the room with him. Fake fear and concern was plastered all over his parents' faces. 

"He's awake!" his mother yelled, her voice oozing with fake fear.

"He will have to stay overnight, ma'am" The doctor said, "Please, may I have a word outside?"

His parents followed the doctor out of the room, leaving Antoinette and Chase alone.

Antoinette looked at her brother, and kissed his hand.

"Time to go, Antia!" Chase's mother said. 

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them." Chase said to his sister, before she left.

The doctor also left, leaving Chase alone.

Chase got up from his bed and went to the bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. There were stitches on both of his eyebrows, the Hazel color was drained from his eyes,and there were stitches everywhere, there were even some on his neck!

"Gah! How an I supposed to help my sister?!?! I'm useless!" Chase said. He looked at his reflection again. It was-Frightening. He smiled a devilish smile.

"But, with a little work, I'll Be ale to strike fear into the hearts of my parents.Make them pay" Chase said to his reflection in a dark voice. He noticed there was a needle and thread on the sink. He smiled and grabbed it, and without thinking twice, Drove the needle in his eye. He sewed a Plus sign into his eye. he looked at his reflection again.

"Still not good enough!!" he yelled, and spotted a scalpel on the sink. he smiled again, and cut into his cheeks, then, he sewed up the cuts again.

"Perfect" he said, and started to walk out the door, but was stopped by the doctor.

"Oh my god..." the doctor whispered,"Uh--Um--Mr. Chase, you must stay for the rest of the night" he said.

"What.Did you call me?" Chase said.

"Chase...." the doctor said, confused.

"I.Am.Not.Chase." Chase said, his eye taking on an insane appearance. He lunged at the doctor, as The Doctor called for help. Chase started stabbing the doctor in the chest with the scalpel, and when he was sure he was dead, he got off f him, just as the nurse walked in with a sterilizer needle.Chase looked at her and lunged at her. The nurse Stabbed the needle into Chase's shoulder, but nothing happened. Chase smiled evilly and stabbed the nurse until he assumed She was dead. He then got up and walked to his house. He silently walked in and went up to his parents. their faces showed fear as they saw his face.

"Ch-Chase? a-aren't you s-supposed to be in th-the hospital?" His father stammered.

"Doesn't matter, now, lets get down to business, shall we?" Chase said, and grabbed a short knife that had been laying on the ground. He then grabbed his mother by her arm and pulled her to a sitting position in front of him, her back to him.

"Ladies first, right?" He said, then stabbed her in the back, until he thought she was dead,and threw her corps to the side. He then grabbed his Father. 

"B-But Chase-" His father started, before Chase stabbed him multiple times in the chest.

"I'm.Not.Chase" He panted, just then, he came up with a name for himself.

"I'm The Undertaker." He said with a devil smile and dark laugh, then, he looked up to see his little sister looking at him from the hallway.He looked at her. He couldn't kill her! She was His little sister! He gave her one last look before bolting out the door, running to the park.

Weeks later, Antoinette has been put into an adoption center, then had been adopted.

She is now siting in her new home, next to her new mother, on the couch. The news then comes on.

"Search for Chase Duely, a suspect in the homicide case of four individuals, is still up! Please contact the police if you have any information on the Murder, or the whereabouts of Chase Duely." The reporter said. Antoinette had plenty evidence, but wasn't giving it to anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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