What am I doing with my life.

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"rise and shine dumb ass get up"

Dan slowly opened his eyes to have to calmly move the pillow oh so kindly thrown at his face by his oh so lovey boyfriend onto the floor.

"Why are you waking me up we don't have to be anywhere for another four hours" Dan questioned as he walked across the room to find a shirt bc fuck it was cold in this hotel room.

"I've been up for like half an hour because you didn't close the curtains last night and sunshine is bright, Dan." Phil stated walking to close the curtains a little too late to be of any purpose.

"Okay but what does that have to do with me and my fragile sleep cycle?"

"I got bored. Put these on we're going to breakfast." Phil confessed while throwing the nearest pair of pants at his boyfriend's head.

"Jesus Phil will you stop throwing things at my head."

"I could, but where's the fun in giving things to you normally?" Phil said as he threw the TV remote at Dan.

"Oh, come on" Dan exclaims as he catches it right before hitting his right eye. "I don't even need this- SERIOUSLY STOP THROWING THINGS AT ME LESTER!" He yells before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Fine." Phil submits as he moves a little too suspiciously to pick up Dan's shoes.

"Oh noOooOOoooo you don't" Dan lunges at Phil right before he reaches the would-be weapons and tackles him onto the floor. He looks down at him to see him laughing, tongue sneakily poking out from in-between his teeth. He gets so lost in how adorable his boyfriend looks that he almost forgets why he's on top of him, but not before he catches Phil trying to reach the shoes from his spot beneath him.

He catches Phil's wrists and pins them above his head. "If you don't stop doing that I will hack your twitter."

"Go ahead." Phil smirks with a little too much confidence.

Confused and suspicious, but on a mission, Dan removes his hands grip on Phil's wrists to fin Phil's phone only too see the grave mistake he'd made when Phil reached for his shoes and threw them both at his head, hard.



"Phil what's wrong with you that actu-mmph." He was so rudely interrupted by a rather passionate kiss as he was pressed back into the bed.

"Phil...what the fuck...if you wanted-""I didn't want anything dumbass" Phil cuts him off.

"Then why the actual fuck were you throwing-" Once again, rudely interrupted.

"I told you" Phil finally broke the kiss. "I was bored."


the ending is shit sorry

yeah sorry I don't write fanfic I read it lol clearly

I'm sorry this was shit its summer I'm bored and depressed and did I mention BORED.

anyway if you actually read this congrats and thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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I'm really bored and low key depressed and this is a result of those factorsWhere stories live. Discover now