We Need To Save Kevin

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Heres an imagine for a friend of mine, I usually do a x reader but this ones different and the girls name is Layla.... Just a FYI if you wanted to know before you started reading, so you know what you're reading and you're not wasting time reading something you didn't want to read.....

You're welcome


There he sat. leaned back and arms crossed as he smirked at the woman in front of him, the smirk of a madman, a lunatic, and yet the smirk of a beautiful man. An alluring psychopath. His obsidian hair covered his parts of his face as well as his empty dark brown eyes that could stare into someone's soul, his skin was of the most sickly pale a man could ever have as a complexion and yet he was so charming and handsome. "Why?" the young boy just stared at the older woman and the woman stared back, both of their eyes never leaving one another in an intense gaze. "why what?" the woman questioned as she cocked her head to the side, " why'd you come visit?" the young boy clenched his jaw in annoyance as the woman sighed. "You're my son and as a mother-" " You are no mother to me and I am not your son. Don't try to act all innocent, and mother-like." The boy began to yell and the guards quickly pulled the murderer out from the visiting room and into his lonely dark cell. Kevin had a deep hatred for his mother and for a good reason. She never loved him and only cared for herself, leaving Kevin alone or with his father most of his childhood, as well as abusing the poor child into the man he has become today. Many days passed and he began to tire of his mother's visits for it was the same old small talk and boring conversation that consisted of 'why did you kill them?' and 'Do you feel sorry?' but his mother wasn't the only one that came to visit him. Layla, his lover, his queen. Iayla in the eyes of Kevin was a goddess, her hair was the most golden blonde and her eyes of the iciest blue. She would come visit him almost every day as much as she could without running into his mother, Layla as well held a deep hatred for Kevin's mother as well, with a glistening passion. She hated the way she treated Kevin and how she treated her, and the mother hated Layla because of how similar her psychotic tendencies were with Kevin's. Eva the mother would try to separate them, for the possibility that maybe just maybe Kevin might become a normal boy someday, but no, nothing could get in their way, nothing could separate them for they were one. Days passed and Kevin began to grow bored and tired, and he desperately wanted to get out. Layla came to see Kevin the next day and they conversed about the things they usually talked about, laughing and making rude as well as gruesome remarks. A couple hours passed by and it was time for Layla to go. Just as Layla went in for a hug Kevin quietly whispered in her ear, a whisper that would send most people shivers down their spine, a hoarse chilling whisper. " Get me out of here, don't get hurt." Kevin smashed his chapped lips against Layla's soft ones in a short heated kiss. The guards pry the two apart and began to take Kevin back to his cell but Kevin just would stare at Layla with eyes that held so much violence and pain. She ran out the building and into her car sighing and muttering under her breath, " I can't do that Kev. I'm sorry" Layla started the car and drove home thoughts running through her head all involving her love for Kevin. Layla loved him with all her heart she loved him with everything she had, which wasn't much but just enough for the young killer. Even though this she couldn't risk her life doing something so stupid, careless. Layla spent the night just staring at the blank popcorned ceiling wondering just how she could get him out of the prison that's guarded by hundreds of men trained for the worst, but if she thought really hard and planned very well she could possibly prevail and save Kevin. She was soon awakened the following morning when the sun began to peek through the dusty blinds that were held upon her window as an attempt to keep out the light, thoughts began to appear in her head one too many of Kevin and his escape. She propelled out of her bed quickly reaching for her phone that laid there silently upon her bed stand, and she quickly dialled a number she thought she never would call in her life but here she was asking for help. " Franklin? I'm getting Your son out of jail. Yes please come over." An hour passed by an soon the father of the acclaimed killer arrived at Layla's dilapidated apartment and settled himself upon the torn leather couch as he waited for Layla to begin the planning for Kevin Khatchadourian's break out, she soon joined him a cup of coffee and a fool-proof plan. " Tomorrow we start, meet me at the prison when visiting hours are over and we'll start from there." Franklin smiled, " you know, it's nice to know that someone really loves him. I thank you for that, he really needs it." the older man smiled and silently closed the door behind him as he took his leave. The blonde spent the rest of her evening preparing for tomorrow which was mainly acquiring guns and ammo as well as needing her womanly charm, but she was missing one important thing, Kevin's re-curve. His bow was being held at the police department and she needed it, and she will get it. Layla made sure she was well rested and prepared for the day to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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