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Sunday 12:48

Mel's POV

"Kids, we need to tell you something." Explained my dad. I am the oldest of 3 kids, there's me (Mel), 17, Timothy, 14, and Charlotte, 10. All I could think at this point was 'oh great, another family meeting.' Last time we had one of these, my parents thought Timothy was sneaking out when I was supposed to be watching him. "This is big news and I don't know how you are going to take it, but here it goes." My dad continued.

"I have been promoted and that means we will be moving!" My jaw drops, this is my worst nightmare. I have to leave my friends and start all over! He can't be serious!? "We all need to start packing, we leave for LA on Thursday." Thursday? Are you kidding? This can't be happening! "But-" my argue "No 'buts' Mel! I have a career, and if that means we are moving, then so be it!" I wasn't even going to try to fight back. I knew I had to tell my friends as soon as possible or they would kill me.

I walk back upstairs and shut my door. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial my best friend, Chelsea. "Hey Mel! What's up?" Chelsea answers. "Hey, I have some bad news. My dad just sprung it upon us that he got a promotion." I start "What could possibly be bad about that?" Chelsea questions. "We're California!" I finish.

"Wait....did I hear that right? California? That's so far away! How can you just drop what you're doing and go from South Carolina all the way to California? Are you serious?!" She shouted. " I couldn't believe it either, but I don't have any choice! We can still communicate over Skype and FaceTime, right? We can stay in touch!" I add, trying to make the situation better. "You know that will never work, I'm coming over right now and I am not leaving until you're all packed and leaving SC!" Chelsea stated. "I'll tell my parents!" I reply. "See you soon. Bye!" She responds. "Cya!" I hang up. I end up calling all my close friends and breaking the news. None of them are happy about it!


I hear the door bell ring. I can't wait to spend time with Chelsea, I'm not ready to leave my friends. I open the door to see Chelsea with 4, I repeat, 4 bags of stuff! "Are you going to move with us?" I say, adding a laugh at the end. "I just thought I should come prepared!" Chelsea says. "I brought everything from clothes, to makeup, to nail polish! Everything we need to get you relaxed and ready to go!" She explains. "Come on in, make yourself at home." I giggle, still thinking she plans on living in our house long after we've left.

We spend the rest of our night talking and going over all the memories we have together. I'm going to miss being able to talk to Chelsea about anything!



I know you are probably thinking, where is Kian? I will let you in on a little secret, he will be in Chapter 2 for sure! Thanks for reading. I know I'm not the best at writing but this is my first story! Hope you like it so far! :)

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