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I quickly hid myself behind the pillar as I saw the both of you, you're hand wrapped around her waist as you assisted her inside your car. 

My hands unconsciously clenched, my knuckles turning white as I bit my lips from screaming. Tears rushed into my face as I fought the urge to march towards you and confront you. 

It hurts. 

It hurts seeing you with her. 

It hurts so bad. 

A smile lit up my face as I saw him arrive. His eyes masked by expensive sunglasses, his attire casual but still it screams luxury. There is certainly something with him that catches people's attention. It's as if there's a certain force within him that radiates that makes other people notice his presence. Girls fawn over him, women lust over him. Boys admire him, men criticize him. 

He smirked as he saw me seated at the far end of the cafe. His stride powerful and confident making the other customers and even the staff gape in awe. I could only look down, my hair curtaining my face. I could feel the everyone staring at us, especially at him. I bet they're wondering why a guy like him is paying attention to a girl like me. A plain simple girl with nothing to really brag about. With that, I ducked my head lower, wishing for the ground to open up and swallow me. 

Him standing infront of me made everything worse. The once heated stares that I got was added with loud murmurs of shock and distaste, some even, women for the matter had the gal to point with their tinted nails at us, eyeing me with great distain. 

I could only fiddle with my fingers, forcing myself not to cry. It hurts hearing other people tell how incompatible we are. As to how I don't deserve a man like him, as to how he's too great of a guy to even pay attention to just a girl like me. 

It hurts. 

Of course it does. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently as it went to my chin, tipping it lightly upwards. 

A light smile greeted me as his hand moved towards the stray hairs that once covered my face. He tucked them behind my ear as he held out a hand for me to hold. I stood up warily, minding the hateful and judging eyes of the public. I could only gulp in shame and duck my head as I fiddled with the hem of my dress. 

I heard him click his tongue, the once heated atmosphere turned cold as ice. I gently looked around, the once murmuring public gone mute, the judging eyes turned wary and somehow frightened. 

My brows knitted together as I wondered what happened, only to feel the raging emotion that seeped through the man beside me. I immediately felt worried, afraid that he might once again throw a ruckus. I held his arm and turned him to face me, his once stoic face turning into a lighter shade. 

"I'm okay." I uttered lightly as I fixed a smile on my face. He nodded lightly as he inched closer towards me, his hand grasping mine as he closed his eyes and kissed my forehead. 

I could only close my eyes at the sensation. My heart bursting with overwhelming sensations. 

I feel so happy. 

I'm happy. 

And then all the pain is washed away. 

Just like magic. 

"Let's go?" 

"Hmmm." I nodded brightly, a beaming smile imprinted on my face. 

The beaming lights, the music booming loudly enticing a lively atmosphere as party goers jumped in joy, dancing merrily to the beat. Some were occupied with their partners, grinding heavily unmindful of others while some stayed by the bar with a drink in hand watching, looking for their prey for the night. 

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