Wait, What?

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It all went wrong. He wasn't meant to be defeated, to be at the mercy of his enemies. He wasn't meant to stare into the emotionless gaze of the spider, nor the pitying expression his brother now held. He was supposed to have won, to have destroyed this metropolis dubbed 'New York,' and to watch the Avengers fall, one by one, to his might and the Chitauri army. Yet looking back, it was indeed foolish, the entirety of his plans and reasonings. It was doomed to fail as soon as his mind gave thought to it. He hated himself even more for the futility of it.

They hadn't taken his request for a drink seriously, and as more time passed Loki found himself wishing they had. It was too late, however, as they had him muzzled and chained like a common dog. His hatred of his not brother intensified as Thor demanded he be given over to Asgard for justice. If the Odinson had his way, Loki would soon find himself at the mercy of the prejudiced Allfather. Oh, the punishment he would dole out. Would it be banishment to the very world he tried to destroy? 'The monsters of whom are your kin' his mind added, to his great annoyance. Yet he could not deny such statement. Perhaps he would be sent back to the repulsive creatures he allied with, those cruel and savage Chitauri. Memories of torture and metal and pain threatened to arise, but he held his calm and reinstated the mental block that kept the shattered remains of his sanity intact. There was the possibility he would be thrown into the deepest dungeon, ne'er to see the light of day. He wouldn't be missed.

And while these thoughts raced through his mind, he could not bring himself to fully regret all that had transpired. After all, it was they who drove him to this, the blasted Allfather and his haughty son. He deserved to be loved. 'You deserve nothing but death.' Loki ignored the thought.

Instead, he hung his head, not in shame, but in mourning for the lost opportunity of kingship.

"Its us who he attacked and it is our sentence he will serve." Fury was not happy, though he rarely was. The alien, god, whatever he was, had destroyed half of New York and he wanted to see some punishment in place. The trickster was dangerous, yes, but Bruce and Tony had managed to figure out, with some information from Thor, how to bind Loki's magic. He didn't like the thought of the trickster on earth any more than the next guy, but he had been given enough assurance that they had the technology to hold him that he would risk it. The director would see Loki face SHIELD justice if it killed him.

If he could negotiate such terms with said trickster's adamant brother.

"Our father will want to-"

"I don't care what your father wants." It wasn't true, intergalactic relations had made its way up near the top of his priorities due to recent events, but if Fury could bluff his way into keeping Loki than he would. "I want him here. If your Allfather wanted him that bad then he would have sent more than just you. It took all of us to restrain him with barely any help form Asgard, so he obviously wasn't that important. Or am I wrong and he just overestimated you?"

"Perhaps you are right, furious one." It seemed the thunder god would still rather give in than admit that he wasn't strong enough. Thor attempted a pensive look, but came out looking like a kicked dog. "My brother has greatly wronged you, perhaps more so than Asgard. If the Allfather will have it, he may remain here." He was obviously unhappy with the outcome, but war was something that neither of them wanted. Thor had grown out of his childish longings for gruesome battle.

"It's settled, then."

"Reindeer Games is staying? The crazy psychopath with a superiority complex is not going back to the other aliens who can deal with him?" Tony's face screwed up into a grimace. The idea of that bag of cats anywhere near his tower sent his stomach rolling. "And he's staying at my tower why?"

"Because you have the best understanding of his magic and enough room to house the entire team."

Only Clint and Natasha seemed to show no emotion when Fury told them they were to be babysitters as SHIELD saw justice done. Steve had disagreed, but voiced his concerns cautiously, frowning silently like the soldier he was when Fury silenced him. Tony had blatantly complained, while Bruce just seemed uneasy. Thor scowled before declaring that he was headed back to Asgard to deal with the aftermath of Loki's previous schemes as soon as the discussion was over.

"What exactly will be his punishment?" It was Bruce who had finally asked the question on everyone's mind. Fury wasn't so sure how answer it. Oh, he knew he wanted something severe done, but he also knew that every single one of them would fight back a little bit more if he didn't have an answer they liked. He didn't want to deal with that. Besides, he couldn't just use conventional means, more thought would need to be placed into a decent enough punishment for the alien.

"It's classified." The basic fall back answer for everything, Fury made habit of using it to get him out of tight situations such as the one he currently wished he wasn't in. It was not his day, however, and he could feel the migraine coming on the instant Stark opened his mouth.

"Bullshit. Don't give me that 'classified' excuse and instead, how about you tell me what I want to know before I find Reindeer Games relaxing on my couch with a mug of beer and a smug ass smirk." The billionaire was furious, tired of the excuses and the secrets. Oh, he would know SHIELD's every single point if data before the end of the week, if his tech held up, but he didn't have the time to wait for it now.

"You don't know, do you?" Oh, Stark just couldn't ever keep his mouth shut.

"I said its classified, and you're not getting anything more than that. The crazy arrives at your tower tomorrow morning 8am sharp, be ready." Fury figured he handled the situation as best as he could, considering everything that could've happened. Yet, doubts were already sown, more so in Natasha than anyone. She knew how to read a man like a children's book, and Fury was lying. She didn't trust him, though she didn't really trust anyone, but she respected him and that earned him her obedience. She wouldn't call it out, but like the spy she was, she'd keep an unbiased eye on it.

With everything settled, the team went to Stark Tower, the place they would now call home, and began preparing for the new addition to their list of 'why SHIELD is a pain in the ass.'

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