Chapter One

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    "Honey, we love you but your decisions haven't been wise since you, you know mom died." Dad solemnly says as he gives me an envelope. "Yeah, and you're always disrespectful to me and Andreá." Marissa spits out distastefully. This gold digging whoré had an affair with my dad when I was 6, and my mom, well she was in and out of the hospital battling cancer. It was four years later that Cancer had finally won, but mama passed knowing she'd always be a fighter. I'd despised my dad ever since I could comprehend what he was doing to mom.


  Mom was in the hospital very sick, I had to wear a mask when I visited her at times so most days dad  brang me to his office Marissa sat there at her desk always looking at me in disgust. It wasn't until one day I was playing in the elevator casually greeting people, I'd gotten bored and decided to go back. I could see my dad's office door slightly open. I was a curious 6 year old at the time, I peeked my head in and my all I saw was Dad and Marissa in an awkward angle both of them had discarded there clothes next to the sofa. She was making weird noises and Dad was too. I slowly backed my way out and went to the break room to eat cookies. It happened more times then I could count on my hands...

  He thinks that I still don't know, anyways after a couple of months Marissa's belly got really huge and she had Andreá when I was 7 I didn't suspect anything all I knew was that she was a whale at the time.

I'm still bitter about everything and dont give a damn what she thought about me. Sometimes she'd speak down of my mother which pïssed me off and I'd rage.

He married Marissa 2 months after mom had died which made me mad. Mom didnt know of the affair all these years but now she knows everything and hopefully she wouldn't be mad at me.

Finally I spoke, "If you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated on Mom! And she was in the hospital with cancer godsakes she was in the fucking hospital suffering while you were screwing some low-life gold digging whoré and you had the audacity to tell me that you where just friends with Marissa and that Andreá's birth father was a scum-bag of a man who left her!" I roared, tears streaming down my face as my heart was beating at an ungodly rate. I humorously chuckle at their faces that paled "Now I'm leaving, but I'm leaving behind my scum-bag of a man that I called dad in some way what you told me was true." I hiss venomously. With that I grab my luggage and bounce in the car and right away the cars speeding down the road. My driver Laurence knew I wasn't in the mood so he let me be.
'Huh I wonder were I'm going'
I open the Envelope taking out what I assume is a plane ticket and set it beside me next I take out a letter...

Dear Charlotte,

I didn't want you to leave but you've been getting out of hand lately and it's been stressing me and Mar out deeply. Mar is 3 months pregnant right now and it's not good for her. I think it's best for you to go with Aunt Cathy for a while.. I won't be visiting you, you know Cathy has never liked me anyway... You know Cathy is not really your Aunt but mom always told you to call her Aunt because Cathy and her were inseparable ah the good times... Anyways Cathy said you where aloud to go to her home until you graduate which is next year, Dont expect me to come I have to work harder now anyways. I left you a hefty amount of money for you. Buy you a car and whatever you desire. Mom also left you money in her will from her modeling career. It will all be given to you when you turn eighteen and be transferred to your account. Be good to Cathy and Enjoy the California sun. Lol jk I know you hate when its sunny Thank gosh in  New York it's mostly raining :p

With Love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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