peter parker x reader (infinity war au)

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Spoilers ahead! You have been warned but other than that enjoy i guess

You were fighting some of thanos' evil dead soldiers,worrying about your boyfriend,of 3 years,peter parker

"Hold on i still want you,come back i still need you"

You and peter were standing next to each other,secretly holding each others hands,why may you ask? Well because you both were standing in the briefing room going over the mission for thanos' attack,peter was non stop talking about how this is his first official mission being a an avenger,as for you,you were panicking about how its going to go,you were scared also because of the fact of peter dying or anyone for that matter

He noticed your silence and looked over at you "hey (y/n) we're going to be fine,after this we'll go away for a bit and we'll chill in the sun on a nice hot beach,how does that sound"

You looked up at him (if you're tall just pretend you're small for the sake of this) and you got lost in his hazel brown eyes,shaking out of your daze you then nodded,not saying anything,shaking the horrible feeling away, knowing it probably nothing

Tony continues to talk for a good thirty minutes (sorry i haven't actually seen the full movie so some of this is made up) peter just listens and chips in every once in a while,you just stayed quiet

After the briefing was done you and peter walked out of the room after everyone,peter then stopped in front of you and placed his hand under your chin and made you look at him,he then leaned in but stopped just before his lips met yours "love,we have this,nothing is gonna stop us,not thanos,not loki not anybody after all we are the avengers"he smirked and kissed you,you then kissed him back,pushing all the fear and bad feelings you had away,after all what could go wrong?

**present time**
You finished off the few soldiers that was in your section after that you sprinted towards peters section running past any stray dead soldiers and other avengers

Once there you looked over and saw peter stumble into Tony's arms,you then sprinted over and heard what he said

"Please mister stark I don't want to go
I don't want to go....
Mister stark....Please...."

Tony lay him down and kept a hold of his hand as he faded away into ash

You stood and watched as this happened,you looked around and saw others fading into ash,you then collapsed to your knees and screamed your eyes going pitch black with tears running down your face like waterfalls, lost your love of your life... lost your brother (aka the star lord)...

....You lost your best friend,scarlet witch,wanda maximoff.. lost your friends and the rest of the crew....

....You only had the few that stayed...

You screamed until your throat went raw,tony looked over with sympathy and sadness written all over his face knowing he just lost a boy he saw as his son and a inspirational boy

"Thanos is dead,he will regret everything he's ever done..."you choked out you then stood up and went over to where peter was last seen and then fell to the floor and cried even more then before,tony placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a sympathetic look before turning to thanos who had a smirk on his face the whole time

"I can't imagine a world with you"
"Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me"

You sat there in tears remembering all the things he said to you

"I love you to the moon and back trillions of times"

"No matter what happens just remember i will always love you,because you're like an addictive drug"

"Me,you,against the world,we'll make everything okay"

"I just want you to remember it all gets better even though i will never be able to say the french breads name"

"I love you only you more than you love yourself"

"I'll follow you anywhere,that's a promise"

"when we're old enough we'll get married and we'll live happy ever after,avenger style"

The last one made you cry even more than before because you two had made a future for yourselves and were planning on seeing it through

"Ill never forget you and i will get you and the others back no matter what"

"I was always scared of losing you peter" "why? I ain't going anywhere I'm always gonna be with you" "we'll never say goodbye to each other,right?,no matter what happens between us?" "No we will never say goodbye because nothing will happen"

"Who said love was going to be this hard?"


Welp that's the first of many the song was called "hold on"chord overstreet

If you want to request any just message me and I'll see what i can do


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