Chapter 1

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Kate's P.O.V

So, day 1 of this stupid program. It's just so annoying that my mother thinks that sending me way from home for two weeks is gonna help me. It's so funny that when I yell at her I, " am out of my place," and," have anger issues." But when she yells at me it's because she's, "the adult figure," and, "has every right to."

Right now my mom is signing me in the building and helping me by carrying my backpack while I have my suitcase. "I still don't understand why you're making me do this," I stated. "Yes, you do," my mom said back to me, "stop denying that you have a problem."

I just wanted slap someone after that comment. Oh, wait, maybe she's right. But I wasn't gonna tell her that, "I'm sorry for having feelings? And for expressing them?" My mom huffs and looks at me, "Katherine, just stop arguing with me. You need to get yourself together before this gets any worse."

I looked down and started to play with my fingers, "It's not that bad," I mumbled more to myself. "Yes it is," my mom stated rudely. "Ms. Helton, your room will be this way," the lady behind the counter said while gesturing for us to follow her.

As we walk down the hall to my room, the lady just started talking. But I wasn't really listening because I don't really care because I don't think I really need to be here. It may seem like I'm being bitter and stubborn, that's because I am.

The lady then brings us to a stop. "And here is your room," she says with smile, acting all perky and shit. "I'll let you get settled in," she says and walks away after handing me a key. We walk in and my mom sets my backpack down on the bed and I set the suitcase down, too.

"I'm just trying to help you," mom says to break the silence. "Well I don't need help!" I say, starting to raise my voice. "First of all, don't yell at me," see what I mean. "And second, you may not think you need it now, but you'll thank me later." "Yeah, when's that gonna happen?" I question. "Lose the attitude, Katherine," she says in warning tone.

I just huff, "sorry," I mumble as I look down and start playing with my fingers again. My mom walks over to me and puts my hands down and lifts my face in her hands, "Just promise you'll get through this. For me?" She asks me with a smile. "I can't promise but I'll try," I say to her. She chuckles and says, "Well at least you'll try."

Forcing a smile, I go to hug her. She hugs back and we stay like that for a moment. She pulls away with her hands still on my shoulders and smiles at me again. "Now I geuss I have to go now," my mom says sadly. I nod and let go of her. "I'll try to call you when I get the chance," I reasure her. "Okay," she kisses me on the head and then walks out the door, "I'll see you again soon." And now she's gone.

I plop down on the bed and groan. "I really don't wanna be here," I say loudly. Still laying, realizing that nothing's gonna change no matter what I do. After another momment I sit up and start to unpack my suitcase and put my clothes in the dressers provided. Then I unzip my backpack and pull out my laptop and phone. I turn on my laptop and log on to tumblr and open a second tab with twitter.


A few hours later, a middle-aged lady with blonde hair walks in. "Helo sweetie, I'm Dr. Johnson. I'm here to help you with your anger management." She holds out her hand. I shake her hand and say, "I'm Kate." She smiles and comes over to sit on my bed, "So you have the two week, correct?" I nod. "Okay well later today at around 5:00-5:15 we usually have a small meeting with the other people to have disscusions on ways to control your anger. And if you're not confortable with that then you and I could have a private meeting. Alright?" "I'll think about it."

"Okay, well when you decide, the big meeting will be down the hall. When you're in the main foyer, turn left and there will be doors to go through, " she says as I nod along. "And if you just want the personal meeting, then tell Rebecca, who's the recptionist, and you'll be directed to my office, okay?" I nod again. "You look unsure," she states. "Oh, no. It's just this is a lot to take in, you know?" Dr. Johnson nods, understaning what I mean.

"Well if you need anything there's a phone over there on the dresser anand next to it are numbers of staff members you might need to get a hold of," She says pointing to the dresser, "Also there's a schedule map of how the days usually go by." I feel like a bobble head because of how much I'm nodding. "Alright, sweetie, if you don't need anything at the moment, I'll be on my way." "Okay, well I'll see you later," I say with a smile.

After she leaves, I stand up and wakl over to the dresser to take a look at the scheduel. There isn't much eccept for when we get food, when meetings are, and when we have to be in bed.

Daily Schedule:
8:00am - Breakfast Arrives
9:00am - Morning Meeting
12:00pm - Lunch Arrives
5:00pm - Afternoon/Evening Meeting
6:00pm - Dinner Arrives
11:00pm - lights out

Thank god, it's not so complicated. I then go back to my bed and get back on my laptop for a while.


It's now five and I've decided that I wanted the private meeting. I'm making my way to Dr. Johnson's office. I don't know why I'm so nervous, though. When I reach her office, I see that the door is open. But I still knock on the door so I didn't scare her or anything.

She looks up from her paperwork and take off her reading glasses. "Hello, Kate," she greets with a smile. "Come, in sit," she says as I sit down in the chair in front of her desk. She stands up and walks over to the door and closes it.

"So, since it's your first day, I'm going to have you take a small test," she says reaching in a drawer to get a packet then reaching to get a pen, setting the items in front of me. "It shouldn't be too hard, but if you have any questions just ask, okay?" I nod as she then turns to her computer.

I look down at the packet and read the first question:
1. How often do your out bursts happen?

I answer the question:
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad do your out bursts get averagely?

I circle the number 6.

This test doesn't seem too bad.


About 15 minutes later I've finnish the test. "Dr. Johnson?" I say as she turns to look at me. "Yes?" "I'm done." "Okay you can give the packet to me and you're done for the day," she smiles. "Alrighty," I smile and stand up and stretch and walk out.

As I'm walking back to my room, I bump into this guy. "Watch where you're going," he states rudely. "Well I'm sorry, asshole" I say sarcasticly. He just huffs and glares at me then walks away. Well that was weird. He was rude. I just shake it off and continue to walk to my room.

When I get inside my room, I close the door, jump on my bed, and turn on the TV. Spongebob to more specific. I also turn on my laptop as I wait for dinner to come. Then after that, I'll get ready for bed, then maybe actually go to bed. At a decent time.

That's chapter 1. I really hope you like it! Maybe even give it a like. Comment what you think. Share it, vote. Just some sortta feedback, lol. :) I know its short but I'll try to work on that on the other chapters.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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