Chapter 1

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Kleo POV

I rolled over to my side and put my pillow over my head as my mom screamed her brains out. Due to us moving to the city, my siblings and I had to get up extra early in order to get to school.

"Goodmorning Kleo!", my older brother Rashad said as he swung my door open.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

"Get out of my room and close my door before I fucking scream."

He rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Scream for what? You're such a snitch I swear."

"I'll be a snitch, now get out. Go bother your other sister.", I said as I rolled out of bed.

"Whatever yo. Pops said make sure you're ready by 8:15!", he said as he slammed my door shut.

I rubbed my face and looked around my room in a daze. A bitch was tired as fuck! I grabbed my phone and went to text my bestfriend, Nia.

Me: bitchhhhhhhh... I haven't even been to this new school yet and I hate it.
Nia💘🤟🏽: WHYYYY?
Me: I have to take the TRAIN. EVERYDAY!
Nia: 💘🤟🏽: Damn bruh.. a train..? lol well you could always facetime me or.. Mikeyyyyy😏

Mikey is my boyfriend of 10 months, he lives in upstate NY with the rest of the important people in my life. Mikey makes me so happy! That's my bestfriend!

Me: Girl... I don't know how I'm gonna survive not seeing Mikey everyday.
Nia 💘🤟🏽: You'll live... now go get cute for your new school 😂😂 11th grade babyyyyyy! JUNIOR YEARRR! Text me later ❤️

I put my phone on my nightstand and walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit.

What to wear...

I picked out something cute but simple. My red and white thrasher tee, light grey biker shorts, and my black and white vans. I also threw on some big ass gold hoops and put my curls in a big bun.

"Kleo, are you almost ready? Shad told me to come get you.", my little sister Paige said as she cracked my door open.

I put on some lipgloss and perfume, "yeah, I'm coming down now. Tell him to calm the fuck down"

I looked in the mirror one last time and grabbed my purse. As I left my bedroom, my phone went off.

M💓: Goodmorning beautiful. You're either asleep, in your class, or busy doing your makeup but I just wanna let you know I love you. We have pre school year testing today so call me later!

I read the message and smiled. I love that boy so damn much. It's as if he could do no wrong

"Grab your shit and let's go!, Rashad screamed from the door.

In case you couldn't pick this up by now, let's back track. Hi, my name is Kleo Marie Valencia. I am 16 years old and was born in upstate New York. I live with my dad, my mom, my older brother Rashad (who is 17), and my younger sister Paisley (who is 13). We moved from the quiet of upstate to the noise of Manhattan because of my dad's job. I love the vibes here, I just miss my friends.

After a walk to school...

I walked into my new school and found my locker. I looked around to see a group of boys, who looked like druggies and hoodlums, coming down the hall.


"Who is she? I'd love to find out"

Typical catcalling..

"Yo curls!"

I ignored them and organized my locker. Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me. The boy flicked at my messy curls ontop of my head.

"My name is Anthony, Ant for short."

"Kleo.", I finished up my locker and closed it, putting my back against it.

He smiled, "Cute name, short for Cleopatra? The egyptian goddess?"

"No, just Kleo. Look I'm gonna be late on my first day so..." I scooted around him and walked away, still feeling his eyes on me.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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