Anxious Anticipation.

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As we're getting closer to the big day, I become more and more restless and anxious. I keep replaying Mark's words over in my head,
          'Our flight leaves Tuesday at 1pm, I'll pick her up a few hours before we have to be at the air port so she'll be comfortable around me. We can get something to eat, I'll give you call so we can touch base/let Molly hear from you before we take off and then we'll go though customs and whatnot and go get on our plane for the ride across the pond.'

I've mulled these words over in my head for three days now anxious to hear more, anything. The silence is deafening, it makes me want to scream. I somehow have managed to keep my composure, even though it's killing me not knowing and having to wait.

"You keep pacing that same board, you're going to fall through the ceiling." Tom half jokes appearing in the doorway.

"Oh really? Who are you? My mother?" I ask rolling my eyes and smiling. I hadn't even realized I had began pacing, a common things these past few days. I had broken the habit back at the girls home a couple years before Mom and Dad adopted me, but with the stress of the adoption it's slipped back in.

"No? But she did let me in." He says taking my joke and turning it around on me. He sits on the end of my bed analyzing my body language.

"Ok smarty pants." I say, shaking my head like somehow that'll help shake my anxiety towards the whole situation.

"So what do you want to do to get your mind off things and get a change of scenery?" Tom inquires, tilting his head slightly to one side.

"I don't know, not feeling like going anywhere or doing anything." I say walking over to him and taking both of him hands and looking deeply into his eyes.

"That's fine," he seems a little distracted which makes me smile.

"Out of there!" Dad calls as he walks by my door to go to his office without even looking in.

"Yes sir." Tom replies, giving me a nervous giggly smile. "Sooo you wanna go downstairs and watch something?"

"Yeah, that's more like it." I say turning away letting both hands go. We go down to the living room and settle in on the couch with a nice warm blanket, slowly flipping through channels.

"Erin, Mark's calling!" Dad calls up the stairs, making me jump. I look over at my clock, it's after 7pm.

*Marks picked up Molly by now.* I jump out of bed and run down the stairs. "Dad?" I call when I get near the bottom of the stairs, before I even reach the bottom.

"In the family room." He calls.

I go down the hall when I hear Mark's voice," Molly, did you hear that? Who's that?" There's a slight pause a I hear a slight whine or cry escape Molly. My heart jumps. I immediately rush over and pick up the phone cradling it in my hands.

"Molly?" I ask, sitting back in the love seat with my knees up to my chest.

"Erin." She says softly.

"Yes. You ready to come home?" I ask her, avoiding Dad's gaze. I think he gets the idea because he stands up and give me a satisfactory nod before leaving the room.

"Yeah. It's scary." She says. I imagine her looking around at all the new sights and experiencing all the new sounds of being in a New placing doing new things with someone she's only met once before on a brief visit to the girls home.

"I know, but you're so brave. One more sleep and you'll be here with me, home safe. How's that?" I say trying to keep her spirits up.

"But I want to see you now!" She cries starting to cry.

"Molly, Molly..." I coo, I eat for her cries to subsided. I can hear Mark trying to soothe her too.  It doesn't take too long for her to stop her cries even though I can tell that she's still probably sitting with a lip sticking out and red cheeks.

"You're fine, pretty girl, you're good." Mark says softly. I wait patiently to hear something from Mark not wanting to say something and freak Molly out again. After a couple minutes Mark returns to be call," Erin? You there?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm here." I says sitting up a little straighter.

"So she's fine. Just a little stressed out and overwhelmed that everything is changing and new, but she's handling everything very well overall. I know that's what you need to know. I bought her a little stiffed zebra that she has the death grip on and has since I picked her up a little over an hour ago. We're about to catch a ride over to the airport to go through to the plane. I'll give y'all a quick call when we're baker to board just to update." He explains, answering most of my questions without me even needing to ask.

"Ok, sounds good. I'll be here." I say spinning the phone around while balancing it on my knee.

"Ok, talk to you later, bye." Marks says.

"Bye." I say before hanging up the phone and sitting in silence for a couple minutes. I reluctantly get up from the seat and go to find Dad. I briefly recap what Mark said when giving Dad his phone back. Then I go back upstairs to my room for some peace and quiet.

About an hour and a half later while I'm sitting on my bed my phone buzzes, I ignore it and go back to day dreaming. Then it buzzes again and, a couple seconds later, again.

What do you want?? I think my myself in the most annoyed voice I can. I look down and I see that I have been added to a group text between Dad, Mark, and me. I quickly scan over the few messages I missed.

Mark: Sorry, can't call right now the terminals crazy busy and loud. We got through everything fine. Kido's got me around the neck in a tight hold. She's been a rockstar through  everything. Hoping to get some sleep on this long flight, mainly for her so it's not so miserably long.

Dad: Sound great. Glad to hear everything going well. When are you suppose to be heading out?

Mark: They said the plane should be coming around in about 10 minutes. And we'll get to load as one of the firsts because Mollys considered a young child.

Me: That's great! Tell her I love her and will be right there when you guys land.

Mark: No doubt. Ok I'm gonna go, the planes in the terminal and we'll be getting settled soon. I'll keep you updated if I can, you know how new technology.

Me: Ok, sounds great.

Dad: Ok. Talk to you tomorrow.

I lounge around staring at the clock for hours.

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