Fuck I Just Orgasmed

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I woke up today feeling completely different. Maybe it's because my 18th birthday just passed so, yeah maybe I just felt like a young adult; finally. But, it was something else, and I had this feeling it had nothing to do with me but more of what was going to happen today. I was getting this really strong vibe that my life was going to change forever today, and I think it may be because I'm going to a party tonight to celebrate my 18 years of staying alive, and not doing drastic shit that could've possibly ended me but knowing myself, I know I'm gonna get super fucked up tonight so hey, there goes those 18 years right? I blink a couple of times to adjust my tired green eyes to the sunlight beaming through my sheer curtains and I flinch. I never realized how bright my room is in the morning until now. I rub my eyes and run my fingers through my ginger curly hair as I sigh. My alarm begins to go off and I grunt ass I unplug it, irritated that I could've gotten at least 2 more minutes of sleep had my body not set a natural alarm to wake me up at 7:58 and not 8:00. I throw my head back onto my pillow and bite my lip, recalling all the shit I have to do today for my mom to even consider letting me leave the house to go somewhere, let alone a party. I stretch desperately and fling my comforter off my short thin legs as I sit upward and flip my legs off my bed. My toes brush my cold wooden floor and I crack them before pushing myself further towards the edge so my feet can comfortably rest on the floor. I stretch once again before pushing myself off my bed and I immediately get light headed. I grab my face and groan as I crash back onto my bed, just telling myself 5 more minutes and realizing I'm stupid for actually believing myself knowing damn well I will not get up in 5 more minutes. I reach behind me toward my shelf/headboard and grab my wax pen I stuffed behind a few Religious books my mother had bought for me a few years ago and I take a long hard pull, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply. I suck in and hold for a few seconds before exhaling the smoke and shoving the pen back behind the books. I crack my knuckles and examine my nails covered in cracked black nail polish. I contemplate on whether I should redo them for the party when my phone begins to vibrate. I furrow my eyebrows and pick up my phone from my night stand and examine my screen, seeing a unknown number calling me. I suck my teeth and put my phone back down, assuming it's another prank call from all the idiot bitches in my college program. Getting ready for college was pretty stressful for me so I decided to join a program that gets incoming freshman together to Create friendships. Unfortunately for me, Ive never been able to find real friends in LA due to everyone here being clout demons. My rise to "fame" happened occasionally after graduating high school when one of my instagram pics went viral. I had also been posting a lot of music on soundcloud so along with the likes on insta came the soundcloud views and eventually I just blew up from then. When people take one look at me they automatically think I'm weird cause of the way I dress and talk, but as soon as they see my 410k followers on Instagram its , "Oh my gosh, you're like so cool. We should be friends." Lol, right. It's honestly pathetic how desperate this generation is for clout, especially the fact that people are willing to use anyone to get some. I roll my eyes at the thought and turn my phone face down on my nightstand as it still vibrates. I rub my face and sit upward again, flipping my legs off the bed and pushing myself off so I'm standing up next to my mattress. I glance into my floor mirror across from my bed and I stare at my reflection. A 5'4 ginger with unruly hair all the way to her back dimples, with skinny arms and skinny legs and 34C tits and a pretty big butt if I say so myself. My ginger thick eyebrows are beginning to grow hair in the middle of each-other and my lashes are growing uncontrollably, which tends to get annoying when they suddenly decide to fly into ur eyeball. My bright green eyes are bloodshot red from the hit I took from my pen and my freckles stain my face like someone splashed brown paint all over it and my lips are full, soft and pouty. I bite my lip as I examine myself in the mirror, twisting from left to right repeatedly and making different faces. Being a leo tends to make you really obsess over yourself even when you hate yourself. My chocolate skin glows in the spotlight shining on me, which just so happens to be the sun and my eyes begin to gleam in the light. I suck my teeth at myself being so yucky and make way towards my dresser. I open each drawer, picking out each item I planned on wearing to the party and I decided to wear black leather pants, with a black leather tube top with silver crystals reading "Princess" on the front. I pick out a black leather garter belt to wrap around my waist and for shoes some calve length combat black leather boots. I bring out my tattoo choker and a silver watch with some silver hoop earrings and for a hair accessory I decide on a silver scrunchie since my hair will be going up into a high pony tail. I throw everything on my bed and close each drawer before tucking my hair behind my ear and heading towards my bathroom door. I open it and perform the usual duties a person would in the bathroom. Use the loo, brush teeth, skincare, shower, hair care, shaving. I turn off the hot water and push my shower curtain to the side, revealing my naked body to the fog stained mirror over my sink. I run my hand over it and it leaves a wet mark. I observe my naked body as I look down. I've got one nipple piercing(left side), with a small waist and wide hips and my whole chest and arms are covered and stained with freckles. I have a small tattoo on my right ass cheek of the playboy bunny and on the back of my neck is a angel on one side whispering to the back of my ear and the other side the devil with a quote from "Where the Wild Things Are" below the angel and devil tattoo, reading "Please don't go; I'll eat you up, I love you so". I shake my head and step out the shower, grabbing a small towel I wrap my hair up and grab another towel, drying myself off and wrapping myself with it. I take one more look into my mirror before shrugging and writing "Sexy Mama" on the bottom right side of it, just cause. #positivevibes, am I right? I turn around and exit my bathroom. I drop my towel to the floor and walk towards my dresser until I hear a knock at my door. "I'm naked, go away." I say loudly as I scurry over to my dresser, grabbing a over-sized pajama shirt and sweatpants. "Are you still taking me to Jordan's house?" My brother says through my closed door.I grit my teeth and palm my forehead, realizing that I had told him yesterday afternoon I'd take him to his friends house if he ate the leftovers mom made for us. Her cooking's pitiful to be honest, and I couldn't bare another taste of it and knowing her, if she came back home from work with leftovers still in the refrigerator she would've screamed about it for another 2 weeks so I had to sacrifice my relaxing morning so I wouldn't have to hear her mouth when she arrived home. "Sure, Samuel, whatever just give me 30 more minutes to myself...please?" I hear him suck his teeth as he pleads, "Seriously? He's about to play fortnite and I don't want to miss it." I roll my eyes as I take the towel off my head, letting my long hair fall effortlessly to my waist. "It's just a game kid, you'll be fine. It's not the end of the world." I chuckle and shake my head as I pull my shirt over my head and wiggle myself into my sweats. I hear him scoff and walk away from my door and I sigh, looking around before deciding to take another pull from my pen. As I reach behind my books my phone vibrates again and I grab the pen before turning over my phone. I see a text message from my friend Lana and I smirk and giggle. Lana and I have been friends since freshman year of high school. I remember the first conversation we had was about 5 Seconds of Summer, and how she could get 2 boys and I'd get the other two. I remember us fighting over who got Ashton and I remember me winning. After that day, we talked almost every hour of every day, shes like my other half and I honestly don't know how I could've survived High School without her. She was the only one there for me before the fame and for that, I owe her the world and more. I unlock my phone and enter my messages, reading from her

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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