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The weird thing about words is we use other words to describe them and not just one set of words either, every word has multiple definitions. And each of those definitions are interrupted in multiple ways. One word I always seem to drift back towards is dream. Dream. What is a dream? If you were to look up the word dream it would probably look a lot like this:



1. a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

2. an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy.

3. a state of mind in which someone is or seems to be unaware of their immediate surroundings.

The list could go on and on, with different words put into different arrangements. Yet there is no one definition to a word, there's multiple. And not only does that expand our vocabulary, but our thoughts, our beliefs, our values. We ourselves expand and grow in ways we didn't think possible. The ways we interpret dreams expand and differentiate as well. Some believe they predict the future, others believe they're memories from your past life, a few believe they're based off your life experiences, and the list could go on. No one has an accurate explanation towards what dreams are and why we have dreams in the first place. And I guess that's why they are so extraordinary; they're a mystery within mysteries.

Just like every one of us; we are mysteries ourselves. We're figuring out who we are and what our fate or destiny is, that is if we even have a fate or destiny. Yet again, another mystery.

Everyday is a mystery and we never know what to expect. We never know what words will spill from our lips. We never know what actions our hands and legs and body will bring us to. We never know what thoughts will form.

And we never know who will pop up into our lives.

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