Chp 1:

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Jared, a father of two kids, Ben and Caitlyn, awakens from a car crash to find his two children missing. He runs to his ex's house, and finds them there. Abby, his ex, had previously shot and hid her walker husband, who comes back and almost kills the two kids before Jared kills him. In a flashback, it is revealed that after going to her neighbor's house to scavenge supplies, Abby was asked to shoot her living neighbor, Anthony Townsend, who had been bitten. Anthony also asked that she shoot his two children upstairs who have already turned, which she neglects to do. Later, they have decide to flee, Abby tries to get the keys to Anthony's truck, but is killed in the process by Anthony's undead children she had failed to shoot. A helicopter hovering over the neighborhood announces to any survivors to make their way to the concession stand at the park, where they are evacuating refugees. Jared and his children leave on foot in an attempt to get there, Meanwhile a National Guard sergeant Connor was at the police station looking through case files and he walks outside he notices a man eating a corpse, than Connor sees a father and his children. He gets them inside the station and barricades the doors, they introduce themselves to each other and decide to stay together for their safety. The following day, Connor gives Jared a pistol and the two children a knife, as they make their escape to the military Humvee. They all got into the Humvee and Connor drives away, they choose to flee to the desert, and than they met other survivors on their way. Lexa, Casey, and Aden decides to follow. Than, They stop at a gas station and Lexa finds a zombie in the store and kills it. After Connor got gas, the group leaves to gather supplies. Later, the Humvee is trapped in a traffic jam caused by a zombie shooting by the police. A riot erupts after police shoot down another zombie, but the three gangs find refuge with the Salazars in their gated Diner-home. Sergeant Connor tells Jared to take the kids to the desert without him, he will catch up. Caitlyn witnesses a zombie attacking another survivor across the road, but Jared prevents her from intervening. The group inside the Diner remains trapped, while the riot outside intensifies.

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