Before Shirley

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Sherwin stared out of the window of his mother's car as they drove toward their new town.His mother and father had divorced when he was 4,and were only now going off on their own to a different state and city.New school,new friends-(not that Sherwin had ever been amazing at making friends,he had social anxiety,and due to that,he could hardly speak to anyone excluding his family)-and a completely new life."M-Mom,are we almost there?"Sherwin had a habit of stuttering."Yes lad,a few more blocks and we're home-look Sher,there's your new school.You start in just under a week!" Sherwin looked at the gigantic building,terrified of the days it'd bring.She leaned over and pinched his freckled cheek."Mooom stop ittt," he pouted,blushing from embarrassment. Then he smiled,partly showing his mum he was only kidding about his griping,and thinking about everything that was to come,while also feeling extremely anxious.
Sherwin suddenly found himself staring at a house.Not very big,but obviously bigger than his previous apartment.There were kids playing in the yards of both the neighbors,and parents awaiting their arrival.They had cake and had strung a streamer that read 'Welcome New Neighbors!!' Sherwin immediately panicked. "M-mom I-...I'm n-not ready t-" Sherwin's mom hushed him and started to exit the car.She ultimately had to unbuckle him and pull him out due to how frozen with fear he was.They walked up the walk together,Sherwin shaking,and his mother ecstatic to have already aquatinted with the neighbors."Hello,my name's Marianne and this is my son,Sherwin." She pushed Sherwin forward to shake the hand of the neighbor. "H-hi yea I-i'm Sherw-win." The neighbor chuckled. "Name's David,my parents are inside as well as my brother, Jonathan." Just then a devilishly handsome blue-eyed Latino stepped out of the House next to him. "Hi! You must be the new neighbors I..." He trailed off as he looked at Sherwin. He then shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. "J-Jonathan, y-yea.I'm Jonathan." He looked frazzled.All Sherwin could do was stare at the figure before him,who was now holding out his hand and staring at him intently."Sh-S-Sherwin." He finally managed to utter.Suddenly his shoes looked interesting,and he stared at them as he shook the hand of the boy.He made a mental note that his hands were soft.Very,very soft.And gentle.God god he's so-What am I even thinking right now???He thought.He blushed profusely and looked up at the now blushing face before him. "Well boys,I think I'll leave you two to it,I'm gonna go unpack,be back by 7 Sher, wouldn't want to miss the party tonight." Sherwin looked up at his mother hysterically "Wh-What," he asked suddenly shaking, "I-I.You-.Ah." "Go ahead Laddy,You need to make friends,I'm proud of you." And with that,she smiled gently,and turned to go start the long evening of unpacking.Sherwin looked back at Jonathan, a worried expression on his face.The shy,bashful Jonathan had ebbed,and was replaced with a more arrogant,confident,and secure one.Still though,a light blush dusted his cheeks. "Can you around?" He asked,smiling a perfect pearly white smile. "I-.Y-yea that'd be- " *Gulp*,"nice." Jonathan laughed a bright bubbly laugh,And snaked his arm through Sherwin's wizard of Oz style.Jonathan showed Jonathan around his house,as well as the town.He showed him what school Sherwin would be going to,somehow avoiding the topic of where he'd be going.Sherwin found that odd,but didn't question the beautiful stranger.All he could do was thank him,and blush profusely. "So w-what's this p-p-party my m-mum was mention-ning...?" Sherwin hoped that maybe Jonathan knew,or even maybe that he'd be going.But Jonathan only looked over and winked. "That would ruin the surprise,Sherbet,my love." He blushed as soon as the words fell from his mouth. "S-sorry heh." Sherwin could only blush and smile,love struck and dumbfounded by the angelic-well,EVERYTHING,about the boy walking next to him.He took Sherwin home nearing 7:00,and disappeared into the house next to his with a final wave,a risky wink,and a blush dusted smile.
And god did it have sherwin swooning.

Oof hi :') I suck at writing and I sorta got writers block on my last fic,but I'll go back to it once I come up with ideas.Im sooo excited to get into the story line!!!This will be updated frequently because I have all summer to myself,but it will most likely be short.Definitely some fluff,angst,and maybe a little bit of smut,but not a lot because they're supposed to be innocent and I'd feel really uncomfortable doing that.

Until next time! :)

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