Chapter one - Why me?

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Hello everyone.
This is my first story.
They may be grammar problems.
I never done a story before, probably for the best.
I might as well try, hey?

Camilla PoV.

"Blah, blah , blah. What's all I hear outta your mouth!." My mother seethed. It wasn't the first time I had gotten into trouble for making up excuses on why I didn't wanna go to the ball. I don't understand what's so great about a ball. There's no way I want to find a suitor or to get married. No one would even be good enough or intelligent to whisk me off my feet.

My eyes bore into my mother's as she walk from side to side telling me all the reason why a ball is in important. It's always the same things 'rich men', 'dancing' or 'Suitor.' Do you know what the best thing about a ball is for me? The food. There's always loads of food to fill up my empty nursing stomach. That's the best thing about a ball.

"Camilla, are You even listening?" My mother shouted from one mile away. And I mean a mile away. I think I need my ears checked after that.

I nodded my head, it didn't take long for her to just give up and throw a ball gowned at me. It looks like there's no escape. She even locked the windows. I mean serious would I do such a thing.

Alright, don't answer that.

I probably would.

I stare into the mirror looking at every detail about my self, I wouldn't say I had the best of looks. I didn't have such a slim body but a more curvy waist. My sister Letitia had the best looks of the family. I twirl my chocolate brown curls with my finger. It's pretty much a habit. I stand tall pulling the ball grown to my body, staring into the mirror with my radiant hazel eyes.

"Would you like some help?" A tiny voice came through the room, I turn around to see my younger sister Hester staring at me. I look down at her nicely fitted pale pink gown. She looked perfect and ready to go. Hester has the opposite to me, I had brown hair while she had golden blonde hair and blue eyes. I looked the opposite. I nodded at her, I might as well hurry up before I moan anymore about not wanting to go. The sooner I hurry the quicker this will be over. It didn't take long for her to do my hair and help me in to this pale blue, silk ball grown. Could you just imagine me wearing my day clothes, everyone would have something to talk about.

Once, I was ready i walked down stairs and got the approval nod of my mother on how I looked. Her face told it all, she really was hoping one of us would find a suitor at Mrs Cornwall's ballroom Party.

That's not gonna happen for me. Nope, she's gonna be stuck with me. I smirk at the idea of many suitors trying to whisk me away. Just no.

I believe my bed has more chance with me than anyone. I spend quite a bit of my time on it, sleeping.

I watch my sister Letitia clap in excitement as the coach turns up, we all get on. It's a very small coach, I wouldn't say we were upper class rich woman. Our father is a very important business man and doesn't like to spend often on fancy coaches. Which I get his point, like who would wanna spend money on a coach to take up to a Ballroom party.

It really didn't take long to get to Mrs & Mrs Cornwall's. Their mansion was massive and elegant. It was pretty much full of life, all I could see were lots of people going in and loads laugher.

I didn't even want to get out of the coach until my mother gave me that look, I call it the death glare. I seem to be the only one that gets that look out of my two sisters. Letitia was of course her favourite, it was obvious. Letitia went to a lot of social event and was called the most popular out of Hester and I. It's not that I cared much.

We made our way over to the mansion, each step it got bigger and bigger. The door why open and we made our selves in.

My eyes widen at the how big the room was, I wasn't even paying attention to my mother saying her gratitude to been invited to this social event. My eyes skimmed around the room, big ceiling, marble floor, golden walls and the best part was lots of food.

I can even feel my self drooling, I make a drive forward to go closer until a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back. If anyone could pout it would be me at this very moment. I turn to face the person with annoyance. Of course it was my sister Letitia showing the same amount of annoyance. Why did she stop me, can't she see I'm in the mood for delicious food.

"Not now, Camilla." Letitia pulled me further away into the ball room dance floor. Oh no.

"Don't we need a man for this?" I question her nervously. She just laughs, waving her hand up in the air. "What are you doing?" I hiss, watching her wave someone over. I look in the direction to see two fine slender suitors coming over.

"Hello Miss Letitia Brown, it's pleasure to see you again." A tall man with dark brown hair and bushy eyebrows says smiling away at my sister. I didn't know someone could smile as wide as he could.

why am I stuck with here? I groan silently to myself, Which doesn't seem to go unnoticed as the bachelor next to the dark brown haired man smirks at me.

I take notice that his smirk doesn't go away, I look up at him from head to toe. He's pretty tall, Piercing Green eyes, brown hair up to his ears and a devilish smirk. Why is he smirking so much? I scowl as my eyes meet his as soon as I do that he tilts his head to side. he doesn't think I was checking him out because I wasn't.

So, he better not get any ideas.

I was about to speak to why he is just smirking like that until the Music started playing, I frown, this can't be happening.Next to me, Letitia is giggling away to the man she's talking to. Should I leave or just awkwardly stand in the middle of the ballroom dance floor.

As, I was about to leave the man, who was smirking bowled to me giving me his hand. He surely wasn't asking me to dance, was he?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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