Chapter 1: Intro

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Notice: Any similarities with other books or stories are purely coincidental, as this story is something I made up myself.  Time-travel has been used as a theme before. There will be other books with a similar concept.

This is my first attempt at writing. Moreover, English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes.  

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Almost five years have gone by since his debut with BTS; five years since he started his life as an idol. Just thinking about the struggles, they went through as a team made him shiver. It was certainly not easy to come to this point. 

Coming from a small and underappreciated company - BigHit Entertainment, they had to fight their way through the ruthless entertainment industry; not to mention the financial struggles and the possible bankruptcy that was just around the corner. All of them had to take up part-time jobs, even after their debut, only to be able to afford a warm dinner after an exhausting practice session. He can still remember how Jin-Hyung would use his parents' money - his father was a company CEO - to buy them food so they wouldn't starve to death. 

It was especially painful when, one day, Yoongi-Hyung came back from his shift as a food delivery man with an injured shoulder and hid it from them for two weeks until Jungkook accidentally trespassed into his room while he was changing. No wonder he refused to join their break-dance practices. Not even their staff knew about the injury since Yoongi was particularly insistent on hiding it from them. He didn't want to cause unnecessary problems and delay their schedule. But, now that he thinks about it, there was a high chance that Yoongi-Hyung would end up covered in layers of bubble-wrap knowing what worry-warts their staff are.

All in all, they still managed to pull through somehow.

It was harsh starting from scratch and trying to earn respect and get acknowledged by others. How many times did they have to deal with the issue of idol rappers not deserving their position or the disgrace of hip-hoppers wearing make-up? Countless times. But, they never thought twice about those remarks. They didn't have the time for that.  

After four - now almost five - years of their struggles, Namjoon can finally say that they made it as a group. Sure, they have been on a constant rise in South Korea ever since their first win with 'I Need U', but the leader never wanted to get ahead of himself. He always waited for a confirmation of their effort. And that, he got.  

Their songs and album finally made a breakthrough on the Billboard Music Charts. After that, everything seemed to be moving at lightning speed. Their fanbase grew larger day by day, their social media overflew with retweets, trending hashtags with their names could be seen every week. Even their album sales shot up dramatically. All of this was accompanied by them winning Top Social Artist Award on the BBMAs.  

It was a dream-come-true for the group, having their concert tickets sold out in a matter of minutes and performing on large stages.  

And if that was not enough, they started to get recognised by other worldwide famous artists and musicians, even making collaboration they would only ever imagine in their dreams. It was still too good to be true, at least that's how Namjoon saw things.

For him, this was only possible due to the love and support they received from ARMYs. That is why he must do better, much much better, for the sake of their fans. They were truly blessed.

Namjoon was honoured to be able to call himself the leader of BTS. He wouldn't trade it for the world. Never.

Namjoon's thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he heard a subtle "You can come in."

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