Things In The Fridge?

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John Hamish Watson is a young man, who's dream is to become an army doctor, the man with sad blue-gray eyes and the stripy jumper. The man who is... 'Unfortunate' enough to be the flat mate of the infamous Sherlock Holmes; the tall man with a mop of black curls, cold and calculating eyes of a breathtaking dark blue eyes. The very man who happens to keep a severed head and a Tupperware of fingers in his fridge- the highly functioning sociopath, Sherlock Holmes.

Both so different and contrasting, but they seem to get along so perfectly- well, most of the time. They happen to have the advantage of knowing each other as children. Having grown up together as neighbors, they somehow managed to bond before Sherlock shut himself out from the world.

At one point, Sherlock and his family moved, leaving Sherlock alone without his one and only friend- was that why he shut himself out?

And now, several years later, the boys have chosen the same university- the University of Baskerville. To save money, John put out an ad for a flat mate.

Soon enough, John came home to his flat 221B to find a rather... Interesting man sitting in his chair. This man seemed familiar, very familiar.


So, how does this look? Like it'd be a good fanfic? Please give me any and all feedback! I really want to make the best fanfiction I can, so please don't hold back! (But make sure to be kind about it!)

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