how she found it

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Blake PoV 10 yrs.old~

Mom:just be home soon ok

Me:ok mom I will

I then proceeded to walk out the door and into the forest were I heard strange noises.

(Time skip kuz I can)

??? PoV~

There was a young girl with cat eats looking around while I was above her on a branch


Girl:hello is anyone there?


I unfolded my wings from my arms and glided in front of her and compared to her I was tiny

Girl:hello little guy*reaches out hand to pet you*

I hissed and backed away. She held out a recently fought fish and I crawled closer and folded my wings into my arms(oh I forgot to mention you look like a skull crawler but you have retractable wings in your arms) and sniffed the fish.

Girl:*pets you wipe you eat* see not so bad

I then nuzzled my head into her hand and she giggled. I crawled up to her shoulder and sat on it.she pet me and started to walk home with me on her shoulder.

Girl:I'll call you skull

Time skip to the house skull PoV~

Blake's mom: what is that *points at me*

Blake: that's skull I found him in the woods and he's very friendly*pets me*


I wrapped my tail around Blake's arm and hung upside down when I did that my wings unfolded.

Blake's mom: it looks like a Grimm

Blake:he's not look at his eyes

She looked into my eyes to see a hollow eye socket on the skull on my face while at the end of my mouth there was a yellow eye.

Blake: can I keep him please?

Blake's mom: yes but you have to take care of him.

Time skip 7 yrs going to beacon skull PoV~

Blake: you could have stayed but you would follow me here anyway

Everyone on the ship looked confused until I flew up to the side of the ship and looked at Blake I was about the same size as her now

Random person:what is that?

Blake:*puts hand on glass were my head is*hey skull

Me:*low growling noise*

I then flew to beacon and stood were Blake would land then a kid in red came up to me she looked at me weird.

Blake then landed so I ran to her and tackled her licking her.

Blake:eww skull stop

Me:*wags tail*

Blake:*stands up and pets me*

I heard an explosion and there was the girl in red and a girl I recognized as a schnee.a red vile came over to Blake's foot so she picked it up and walked over to them so I followed.

Blake:(reading)heriss actually wiess schnee heriss to the schnee dust company.

Wiess:finally some remission

Blake:also the same company with enforced labor laws and questionable business partners.

Wiess:(angry) why-you-ughh-hmph*walks away*

Red hooded girl:well I guess I'm not th-

Blake was walking away and the girl fell to her knees

Red:welcome to beacon

I pulled her up by the hood so she was standing.I then followed Blake.

We walked into an auditorium so Blake went to a wall were no one was at and I flew to the rafters.

Time skip to the ball room because I'm lazy)

me and Blake were in a corner she was reading and I slightly growled at anyone who got to close to her

The girl in red was being dragged by a blond over here.they didn't see me in the shadows and they tried to start a conversation with her.

Red:hi I'm ruby and this is yang.

Ruby: lovely night we're having

Blake:yes just as lovely as this book.....witch I will read ounce you leave

I decided to make my presence known by crawling to Blake's side and she pet me

Yang:what is that?!?!

Blake:oh skull he's my best friend/pet.

I made a purring noise and later my head on her lap.

Ruby:he's so cute can I let him?

Blake:if he'll let you

She started to pet me and I leaned into her hand

Blake:wow he normally tries to bite everyone's hands off.

When yang went to pet me I growled.


From this comment I snapped my jaws at her and hissed.

I then lay my head on Blake's lap again.

Yang: is he still mad about that?

[Flash back after ozpin's speech]

yang pumped her first into the air accidentally firing her gauntlets right onto me on the rafters.

I yelped and crawled at her then glided down to Blake

[End flash back]

well this was short but I'm tired and want to sleep so bye fo now ill keep making chapters if you want but for now peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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