The beginning

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"Vino! Go get Noroi. We have training in 5."

Vino nods. He runs towards the woods. He knows what will happen if she's late for training again.

"Noroi! Noroi!" He shouts her name as he strolls down the woods.

Then it clicks.

He knows where she is.

He runs towards her hidden spot near a waterfall. He slowly walks behind the tall oak tree.

And there she was.

Noroi Tsuyoi, hidding inside the oak tree.

Vino notices the white lil bird on her knee.

"Uh..whadya doing over there?" He says

She looks at him with a sad look.

"Mhpf. Missing mom." She says, as she looks at the lil white bird staring back at her.

Reminding her those days where she'll wake up early than usual and go to the kitchen and watch mom sitting on the kitchen table next to the open window. Sipping tea and chatting with the birds, mostly a small white bird.

"C'mon, training is about to start." Vino says.

She nods, knowing her dad sent Vino to look for her.

"Bye." She quietly says to the bird as it fled to the sky.

She got out of the hole on the tree. Got up and cleaned herself off from the dirt on her pants, and walk towards Vino, who was already holding out his hand for her. She gives him a small smile, gladly taking his hand and slowly make their way back to her Dad.


'That was more than 8 years ago..' Noroi thinks.

'Why am I remembering that now?' She thinks to herself.

She looks back at the wall.

Ahh..I remember now. The art of the wall. It looks like two children holding hands.

"Illness! Hurry up! We need to leave now!"

Noroi groans.


She runs out of the building the portal already opened.

"Ugh, what a pain you all are." She says to her friend Zinc.

He chuckles.

"C'mon the others told me to get your lazy ass."

Noroi rolls her eyes.

She and Zinc jump into the portal. Teleporting from the dark alley they were in to their base.

"Finally! You both are here!" Candy exclaimed.

"Whatever." Noroi mumbles as she walks to the kitchen, opening the fridge, grabbing ingredients to make a milkshake.

"You serious?" Candy says, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" Noroi says back dumbfounded.

Candy sighs. She turns to Zinc giving him that 'meeting now' look.

"Okay okay." Zinc says, putting his hands in defense. He then claps his hand.

"Okay, listen up everyone. Meeting now, do gather up and listen." He yells to the group.

He turns to look at Noroi, knowing she wont stop what she's doing. "Noroi at least listen."
She hums in response.

"The mission was a success. Glasses report." Zinc motions to Glasses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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