Chapter 16: Jealousy

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It's been a week since the whole accident. And Logan was starting to get annoyed with this new kid, Ashton. He's older than them. Its why they haven't seen him around. He's always on the other side with the juniors and seniors.

Logan found him to thank for that day with Ezra. Since then, he has been hanging around them. Around Alice.

"I should go," Ashton stood. "I have homework, and I have a bossy roommate."

"Danny," Alice giggled. "Tell him that his auntie said to chill."

Ashton chuckled. "I will tell him, maybe he'll loosen up. See you later, Logan, San."

Logan was glad he had left. "I don't like that guy; all he wants to do is talk to you."

"Jealous?" San said. He glared. "Wow, he is, better, be careful, Alice; he may become a jealous, protective boyfriend."

Alice grabbed his hand. "There's nothing to be jealous about Ashton is only a friend."

"I know that," Logan frowned. "But there's something off about him. Be careful around him. We all should be."

"Why?" San asked. "Do you sense something wrong in him? Then I won't be the only one. I, too, sense something off about him."

"Like what?" Alice asked.

"Not sure," San said. "But it would be good to learn more about him. You think we can check his records?"

"You want to sneak into the office or something?" Alice laugh.

"Why not?" Logan said. "We have to know who we are hanging out with."

"We can't do that," Alice said. "That's an invasion of privacy."

"Too bad," Logan said. "We are doing it."

He needed to know more about this kid. He wants to see if he's good or bad.

"If you get caught," Alice crosses her arms. "You are going to get detention."

"No, no," Logan grinned. "If we get caught."

"Logan, no," she shook her head.

"Live a little," he kissed her hands. "So that when we look back, we can tell our kids we were cool."

"Thinking about kids already?" San laughed. "Logan, you need to slow it down."

Logan glared. Was it wrong thinking about the future?

When he got here, he had assumed it would be boring. He dreaded the idea of coming to this school. But now, he has a reason to stay here. Alice.

He could never have imagined finding someone like her or that he would have a soulmate. And he would do anything to keep this happiness.

"Logan?" He looked at Alice. He already failed in protecting her from her sister. Now Alice has to wear an eye patch to keep her eye protected. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he cares her cheek. "How's your eye?"

"It's fine," she smiled. "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Good," he smiled.


Ezra frowned.

"Is something wrong?" Kaden asked. "You had that frowned since Monday."

"I been thinking," he set his pen down. "About the accident with San. It was anger that triggered his tick."

"What do you mean?" Kaden asked.

"I have been observing San," he said. "And the rest of the Lycan's. And they all seem to have a trigger something that angers them. For San, it's his family but mostly his sister. That is his tick, and I'd wonder what ticks the others."

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