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Your POV

You and Colby have been dating for a little over a couple of months now. You have loved every bit of it and so has he.

You were currently curled up next to Colby in bed (at his mansion).

You woke up and roll over to look at the time. The clock read: 2:36 a.m. you groaned and tried to go back to sleep. When you suddenly got really thirsty. You sit up and pull the covers off of you. You didn't realise that his arm was around your waist and when you get out of bed he woke up.

Colby: mmmmm babe go back to bed. I wanna cuddle.

You giggle a little at his morning voice.

Y/N: I will be right back don't worry. I just need a drink from the kitchen.

Colby: ok well you had better be back soon.

Then as you get to the door-way you hear him move over and go back to sleep. As you get to the stair well you try and find the light to see. You eventually give up and turn on your torch on your phone.

You enter the kitchen get your water and make your way back up the stairs.

As you are walking up the stairs you can feel your feet start to slip, stupid marble floor. You start to slip even more when you speed up, until gravity takes ahold of your two feet, you start to slip until you fall over. Hitting your leg on the stairs, specifically the very edge of the step. Hitting it in your shin and your ankle took some damage as you made your way to the floor. You hear a loud snap followed by a sharp pain in your ankle and you start to scream.

Y/N: OW FUCK my ankle jesus christ.

You let a few tears slip, and as you try to position yourself in a more comfortable position you hear doors open. As soon as Colby heard you crying out for help he ran over to you and picked you up.

Colby: Babe, are you ok? Talk to me. What's wrong?

Y/N: I- ahhh.

You hold your leg in pain, trying to avoid looking at your ankle it in its disgusting bruised form, swelling. Then Jake, Aaron, Sam and Corey all come down the stairs.

Aaron: What's wrong?

Sam: what happened? I heard noise. Shit Y/N you ok??

Y/N: I fell up the stairs after getting a drink of water I hit my leg and must've landed on my ankle wrong.

You find comfort in Colby's chest hugging him for dear life.

Colby: ahh shit um Corey go get some ice meet us in the car yeah? Sam, can we take your car to the hospital, it's bigger more room?

Sam: yeah 'course let's go.

Every-one else nods and wishes us luck before going back to their beds aside from Corey who was already basically in the kitchen by now.

——Colby's POV ——

I pick Y/N up bridal style and head to the car. I get in the back with Y/N on my lap and Sam drives to the E.R. On the way there her ankle starts to swell and bruise even more - I think it might be broken.

Eventually we get to the closest hospital and all get out. I race Y/N into the hospital. When we get in I grab the closest nurse and say:

Colby: help my girlfriend's ankle its broken she's in a lotta pain please do something!

The nurse nods and gets a doctor fills him in on the situation and grabs paperwork for Sam and I to sign. They take her away and put her into a wheel chair. Then they go off behind some doors leaving Sam and I alone with paperwork.

~ 2 hours later~

I was on my phone on Instagram drinking a coffee when a doctor came into the waiting room.

Doc: Mr. Cole Brock?

I stand up and he walks over to me.

Doc: I'm here to tell you that Y/N is perfectly fine. Her ankles broken. We had to reset the bone and she has a cast on now. She can probably go home in about 10 or so minutes . We just have some paper work to do then we can discharge her. Ok? Keep in mind her pain meds might be wearing off soon about half an hour or so.

I nod and he shows me to her bed. I enter through the curtains and see her laying in a bed with a whole bunch of pillows under leg. I walk over to her and we start to talk.

Colby: feeling ok?

Y/N: yeah I'm excellent it's the best. But when did the doc say I can go home? I wanna go hoooommmme.

Colby: in about hold on let me check.

She slowly nods her head with a big smile on her face and I walk out the room to see her doctor walk past her room.

Colby: excuse me Dr. Matthew's?

He turns around on his heels and looks at me.

Dr.M: ahh yes Cole?

Colby: when did you say Y/N can go home?

Dr.M: in about 5 more min. Just have some paperwork to complete and a prescription to fill out. Then she is all done!

I nod my head and walk back into her room.

Y/N: what did he say?

Colby: five more minutes then your all free!

She nods her head and I sit next to her.

After five more minutes the doctor came back.

Doc: ok so here are your prescriptions. This is just some painkiller for if your leg or ankle hurts too badly. No more than two at a time. If your leg gets worse come back here. But we should be seeing you in 3-4 weeks time to take the cast off and put a new one on. But other than that you are all free. The nurse is waiting for you at the front desk to give you your bill.

We both nod and I grab a wheelchair for Y/N to head to the front desk.

Nurse: ok so your total will be $740.30.

Colby: ok then.

Nurse: oh sorry my mistake plus $44 for the crouches. So your grand total is $784.3. Cash or card?

Colby: ahh card please.

~ we are just gonna skip ahead to after the car ride home~

We get home and I open the car door for Y/N and help her get out the car. Her pain meds have just about worn off now so she's uncomfortable to say the least. She has a full leg cast on and it look pretty awkward to move in.

(Like this only white)

When she eventually gets to the front stairs I open the door with my key and push it open. As soon as we walk in all the roommates run up to her and ask her what's wrong. So we sat them down in the movie room and explained everything from how it happened to when she gets that cut off and a new one put on, she shows them the X-rays she had of her broken ankle too.

~ I'm lazy so another time skip~

We decided to order pizza for dinner and watch some movies as one big happy family. And we also decided that tomorrow we will talk about her injury in our own separate vlogs or social media.  Eventually she fell asleep in my lap and I had to carry her upstairs.

Colby: Hey can someone grab Y/N's crouches for me please? She kinda fell asleep in my lap and I don't want to wake her up so she can carry her crouches to bed.

Corey: yeah sure thing man. No problem I was gonna go to bed soon anyway.

We walk upstairs to my bedroom. Corey put's the crouches by the bedside table and re adjusted her pillows for her leg. After that he exits the room and goes to his own bedroom. Pretty soon Y/N was cuddled up to me with her head on my chest and fell asleep. I could tell from her breathing pattern and by the fact that she was kinda snoring. Then I followed. ( he fell asleep to)

~1399 words~

* Re edited for better reading *

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