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Dragon Age: Origins takes place during a time when the Fifth Blight began. Everyone knows how the Hero of Fereldan defeated the archdemon and essentially destroyed the Blight. Yet, no one knows about her journey to accomplishing such a task. So here it is: The Tale of the Hero of Fereldan.

The Hero's name was Feril Surana. She was an elven mage, born in Denerim's alienage but then eventually taken the Fereldan Circle of Magi. There, she became one of the best apprentices earning the respect of many Senior Enchanters and even became First Enchanter Irving's star pupil. When the time came, Feril commenced with her Harrowing, a sacred mage ritual that all apprentices must take otherwise they risk execution or the Rite of Tranquility. Feril set the record for completing her Harrowing in record time. This earned her the attention of Grey Warden Duncan who had been visiting at the time.

Feril's best friend Jowan has shared a secret with her, telling her that he and a Chantry Initiate were together. Jowan wanted Feril's help as he found out that he was going to made Tranquil due to rumors about him being a blood mage. Feril did not want to help him destroy his phylactery, too afraid of the consequences. She told First Enchanter Irving and he asked her to go ahead and help Jowan so that way he and the Chantry Initiate could be caught. Irving wanted the young Chantry girl to be punished so that it wouldn't just be a mage's fault. So, Feril told Jowan that she would help him.

Traveling through the tower and completing many tasks to help Jowan and the Chantry Initiate, whose name was Lily, the three of them finally made it to the basement where the phylacteries of the apprentices were being held. Jowan found his quickly and destroyed it. Once he did, he, Lily, and Feril emerged from the basement...into waiting templars. Kmight-Commander Greagoir has caught all three of them, causing all of them to be in trouble, until Irving announced that Feril did what she did because of his orders. Jowan was outraged and revealed that he was truly a blood mage. Lily was horrified and wanted nothing to do with him, causing him to run away. With his phylactery destroyed, there would be no way to find the blood mage.

Lily was taken away, paying for her punishments and the Grey Warden Duncan conscripted Feril to the Grey Wardens after Greagoir had not wanted her to go. Now, Feril became a recruit to the Grey Wardens and had to prepare for her Joining ritual, a secret to the recruits. in the old Tevinter fort of Ostagar where a horde of darkspawn were preparing to attack from the south. Feril was not the only recruit. There were two others by the names of Daveth and Ser Jory. The three of them were tasked with going into the Kocari Wilds and retrieving three vials of darkspawn blood for their Joining. The three were joined by a junior Grey Warden by the name of Alistair who had been a Warden for quite a few months. He was to retrieve lost Grey Warden treaties from the Wilds.

Once the recruits got their vials of blood, they found the old Warden fortress. However, the treaties were not there. A mysterious lady by the name of Morrigan approached the four and took them to her mother who had kept the treaties safe for years after the ward on their chest broke. She returned the treaties and without another word, sent the recruits and Alistair on their way.

It was nightfall by the time the recruits and Alistair returned to Duncan, ready to commence with the Joining. Duncan took the three recruits' vials of darkspawn blood and filled a chalice. They were to drink the blood. Daveth drank the blood, but he did not survive. Once Ser Jory saw what happened, he pleaded for his life as he had a family and did not want to die. He was prepared to defend himself, but the secret of the Joining ritual could not be revealed therefore, Duncan killed him. Once it was Feril's turn, she was afraid, but she drank anyways.

The elf had collapsed, but awoke moments later. Feril Surana had survived her Joining and therefore became a Grey Warden. She was invited to the war council where King Cailan of Fereldan and Teryn Loghain strategized battle plans against the darkspawn with Duncan and Alistair. Alistair and Feril were tasked with climbing the Tower of Ishal and lighting the beacon that would signal Teryn Loghain's men to flank behind the horde. Both Feril and Alistair were upset about this task, but they agreed nonetheless.

The battle had began with King Cailan's forces attacking the darkspawn head on along with the Grey Wardens. Alistair and Feril made it to the base of the tower only to find that it had been infested with darkspawn. The two had to clear their way up to the top where in ogre lay in wait. The two valiantly destroyed the ogre and lit the beacon.

Teryn Loghain saw the beacon...and ordered his men to retreat, leaving the Grey Wardens and King Cailan without reinforcements. King Cailan was killed in the battle and Duncan died as well, avenging Cailan's death. Alistair and Feril were swarmed by darkspawn in the tower and it seemed to be the end.

Days had passed by and Feril had awoken to a familiar face. She had hoped it was Alistair, but it was the mysterious woman, Morrigan. She explained that her mother had healed the two after turning into a giant bird and saved them from the tower. Feril recovered and then went to speak to Alistair who was taking the news of his father figure's death badly. Duncan had been a great man to Alistair and he hated that he was betrayed. Feril and Alistair were the last two Grey Wardens and had to deal with a Blight that was soon to fall upon Fereldan.

Morrigan's mother, Flemeth the fabled Witch of the Wilds, told her daughter that she should go with the Grey Wardens to help build their army for the Blight using the Grey Warden treaties. Therefore, Morrigan joined the two. They traveled to Lothering.

On the path, they met a Mabari, the one that Feril had helped heal in Ostagar. The dog had claimed Feril as his owner and she named him Beige. He joined her group as they made it to Lothering. The small town was full of refugees who were trying to escape the darkspawn. In Lothering, some of Loghain's men had tried to kill Feril and Alistair, claiming that all surviving Grey Wardens had bounties on their heads. That is where they met Sister Leliana who claimed to have visions of her joining the Wardens and their mission to end the Blight. Thus, Leliana joined the Wardens.

The small group also met Sten, a murdering Qunari who wanted to repent for his crimes. After convincing the Revered Mother that Feril could use the Qunari, she freed him and he joined the group. After completing a few tasks in Lothering and getting supplies, Feril and her companions were off to gain help from the Circle mages, the Dalish elves, and the Dwarves of Orzammar.

Feril went to the Dalish first who were camping in the Brecilian Forest. They would have helped, but they were plagued by a curse of werewolves and therefore, Feril would have to help them. During this adventure, the weeks and month it took, Feril's relationship with her companions grew stronger and she and Alistair admitted their feelings for each other which had started back in Ostagar. Feril now faces a tremendous task, but she won't be doing it alone.

Dragon Age: Origins and its story, characters, and music all belong to Bioware. I had forgot that I could record videos on my computer and I just got Dragon Age: Origins and will soon be getting the other games on my computer (I already have Dragon Age 2 on my Xbox 360 and Dragon Age: Inquisition on my PlayStation 4). Since I forgot to record until the Brecilian Forest, I decided to put a summary of what happened to my Warden above.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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The Tale of the Hero of Fereldan: A Dragon Age Origins Story (Summary)Where stories live. Discover now