My Birthday

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It's finally the end of school holidays. I will get to see Eunji, Krystal and Soo Yeon more often in school, yay! Oh ya, it is my birthday today, i almost forgotten. What surprise will mummy and daddy plan for me this year? What cake will they get me? Strawberry Cheesecake? Cookies and Cream? Triple Chocolate Fudge? OMO! I am so excited! "MINAH!!!" My geography teacher shouted, I was daydreaming the whole time about my birthday.

The bell went off, it was break time. When i was about to step out of the classroom, all of my classmates came up to me, with Eunji, Krystal and Soo Yeon holding a cookies and cream ice cream cake from "Baskin Robbins" OMG. I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED THAT CAKE!!! "생일축하(Happy Birthday)......" They sang loudly. I was so happy that they celebrated my birthday! I made a wish and blew off the candles. Krystal asked me what my wish was. I told her that it won't come true if i say it outㅋㅋㅋ.

After a long day in school, it was time for dismissal. OH FREAK, I STILL NEED TO SEE THE HISTORY TEACHER ARGHHHH, EW. She explained to me about a history project but i wasn't listening the whole time, it was so annoying. My dad's chauffeur cane to pick me up and drove me home. It was a long way home, as usual.

I finally reached home. "SURPRISE!" Eunji, Krystal, Soo Yeon, Mummy, Daddy, Baekhyun and Chanyeol surprised me with a Strawberry Cheesecake. Oh, so they were preparing these when i was still in school? Awh, i was so happy to have a great family and loving friends. My heart was thumping very hard when i saw Chanyeol. I didn't expected him to come. After all, he is Eunji's brother and Baekhyun's best friend. Each of them bought me a gift and asked me to open it. Mummy bought me a baby pink Baby-G watch and Daddy bought me a Macbook Air. OMGOSHHH. Eunji bought me a poong poong plushie, Krystal bought me some clothes and Soo Yeon bought me a diamond fountain pen. Baekhyun bought me a cup with my name written on it and Chanyeol bought me a necklace that also has my name written on it "Minah". "Can i help you to put the necklace on?" Chanyeol said. I agreed shyly. Eunji, Krystal and Baekhyun was kind of whispering, "MIYEOL MIYEOL (Minah+Chanyeol=Miyeol, a ship name)". "SHUT UP IDIOTS" i whispered back. Soo Yeon was just sitting there, not looking pleased, she was kinda moody. What happened to her?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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