72. Fight

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“Thank you so much! Is this your girlfriend?”

I turned to look at Ally. She was deciding her answer. I felt like I was about to be sick. This was it, her decision. Were we together or not?

The silence was deadly. I couldn’t focus on anything but her. She looked me in the eye. I knew her response before she even said anything.

“No. Not anymore.”

Ally turned and started walking away. I felt my heart break at that moment. I had done this though. It had been my wrongdoing that had caused this break up.

“Are you okay?” I turned to the two fans who had a confused expression plastered on their face.

Always trying to remain polite, I replied with a smile. “I’m sorry girls, I need to go. Was lovely to meet you, thank you for liking my music.”

I quickly turned and started walking towards the entrance of the park, in the direction that Ally just walked. It was pointless trying to chase her though, her mind was made up. I just had to hope that with time things would change.


My walk back to the coffee shop changed into a quick run when I realised I was about to be sick. Getting nearer to the entrance, I realised it was too late and that I wouldn’t make it inside. I held myself against a brick wall as I vomited on the street. Staying classy as always Ally Lucas. People around me gave me dirty looks as I chucked my guts up, but I was past caring. They could go fuck themselves for all I cared.

When the sickness calmed down I made my way back to the coffee shop, not feeling much better. Seeing as I wasn’t exactly the most presentable person at this moment in time and I would probably put any customer off of their food, I decided to head straight to the bathroom to sort myself out.

‘No wonder Dan cheated on you, look at the state of you,’ my subconscious told me whilst I eyed up my reflection. I hadn’t got a chance to finish my make up this morning so I barely had any on, meaning that my red blotchy skin was visible to all. My hair hadn’t been done so it was in the birds nest bun that I had slept in last night. And now to add to that I had sick breath, delightful. It was a surprise that I wasn’t still in my pj’s and had actually managed to get dressed this morning.

After freshening up a bit, I walked out to see Seth with an apologetic look on his face, he probably judged from the state of me that my conversation with Dan had hardly gone well. He ushered me to a table and sat me down, taking the seat opposite me.

“Can I get you anything to eat or drink?”

My stomach churned at the thought of food; how the hell I was going to serve to customers all day without vomiting again I had no clue. I shook my head slowly, concentrating on not throwing up right then and there on the table.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

I sighed, if I can’t speak to Seth about this then I’m never going to be able to speak about it. “It was Lou.”

“What, sorry? You’ve lost me.”

“He shagged Lou.. Last night.”

“No way.” Seth replied in shock. “I.. I’m sorry. I know how you’ve felt about her since she’s come back. I thought she was so lovely and everything as well.” I huffed loudly, unsure of what to say. “Well I know things are still dodgy with yKaley too, so if you need a place to stay you’re always welcome at mine.”

“Thanks Seth. I might have to take you up on that offer.” I smiled.

 “Anytime Ally.. If you don’t want to be here right now it’s fine, I can cover for you.” A customer walked through the door at that moment and so Seth stood up to serve them. “Seriously though.” He smiled before walking off behind the counter and greeting the customer.


I decided to stay the whole day at the coffee shop. It was pointless having the day off, I had nowhere to go anyway, so I would only be wondering around the city.

“Are you sure that you’re okay with having me stay tonight?” I asked Seth for the fiftieth time as we finished our shift.

“Of course! Don’t be silly!” Seth wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “Wouldn’t have you going back to psycho Kaley now, would I?!”

We spent the evening with him trying to cheer me up, putting on comedy films and constantly trying to make me laugh. There was one moment where I nearly forgot about mine and Dan’s breakup. But then I looked at my phone and saw a new load of pleading messages from Dan and it all came crashing back.

I didn’t have the best nights sleep ever either. Firstly, because I was in Seth’s bed and it just felt weird. I had told him that I didn’t mind the sofa but he insisted that I have his room and that he would be fine on the sofa. But secondly, I had thoughts of Dan and Lou running around my head. I imagined him on top of her in a passionate embrace and it made me feel ill.

I decided to go to work the next morning as usual though. Again, there was no point moping around. It was just a break up, everyone has break ups.

On the way to work, who should we bump into but the slag herself; Lou. Now, I’ve never been one for confrontation, but this was too good to miss.

“Oh shit.” Seth mumbled as he saw me change direction and pace over the road towards Lou.

“OI SLAG.” I shouted, making her turn and look at me. Ah, funny that she responded to that name.

“Ally I-”

 “What the fuck do you think you’re doing sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend?” I cut her off.

“I’m not like that.” She looked panicked and unsure of what to do or say.

“What’s it like then Louise? Because I’m pretty sure you cheated on Dan. And then you allowed him to cheat on me. It’s fucking disgusting!” I screamed, causing appalled looks from those around us.

“Whatever, you don’t know what we’ve been through.” She shouted back

My blood boiled as I looked at the woman who had willingly slept with my boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend now, of course. “Why the fuck did you do it though?” My anger turning into tears. “Because you can?”

“Yes!!” She laughed loudly and evilly.

“You’re nothing but a slag.”

“A ‘slag’ that Dan will always come back to, we have a fucking daughter between us, of course we were going to get back together!” This had turned into a proper shouting match. Some would be embarrassed by the crowd that had formed around us. But for me, the adrenaline of it all just made me more angry and more willing to haul abuse at Louise.

“I bet you planned this from the start! ‘Oh Dan knows about Ellie now so we might as well be shagging again too!’”

“Yeah basically! I knew he would crumble, I just didn’t realise it would only take a week! Look at you, you fool. You’re just a fling for him, don’t you understand?!”

Part of me said ‘walk away now,’ another part said ‘punch the bitch.’ You can probably guess what I went for.

My clenched fist hit her face a ridiculous speed and sent her falling to the ground. Honestly, I was impressed by it myself. I had never punched or slapped anyone in my life, but she deserved it. Maybe Dan deserved one too? He was guilty too after all. Thinking about it, I don’t think I could ever physically hurt Dan so I wouldn’t be able to do that.

“Look at you, your fucking pathetic.” I said as I stood watching her, holding her bloody face in shock. Now was the time to walk away. I turned with my head held high, happy that I had got the last word in. I could have handled that better, yes, but classiness has never exactly been my thing, has it?


I wasn't going to post this today but it's Bastille day so I guess I kind of had to update! Happy birthday to one of our favourite guys, Dan Smith :)

Also, the last chapter had been written :( Don't worry, there will still be a few more updates but not many.

Thanks for all the votes, comments etc. They all make me smile loads and I love reading them, so keep going :) x

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now