Muddy blunts

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After the boys left you and Ruby sat in the living room for a bit before rushing into your bedroom and doiNg thE dO. (SKSKSKS I'm sorry).

As you both laid in bed, you found yourself self slipping away into deep thought. You knew that this wouldn't last and you weren't even so sure about being with him right now.

Do I really have feelings for him?

Should I even be here right now?

Ruby interrupted your troubling thoughts with a kiss.

"Get dressed we're going on a date" Ruby ordered as he exited the room.

You quickly got ready and attempted to do your makeup. You ended up just settling for some mascara and began to dig through your closet for something decent to wear.
You stumbled upon a cute [ choose the color idk lmao ] dress. You slipped it on and put some [ choose the color ] [ type of shoes] on.

You took one last look in the mirror and proceeded to tell Ruby that you're ready.

"Damn shawty they're not gonna believe that I'm with you." He said looking you up and down.
You felt your cheeks growing more and more red the longer he stared.

"You ready?" He asked.

You nodded as you followed him out the door.

"So where are we going?" You asked.

"It's a surprise" he responded focusing on the road.

You sat in the passengers seat and admired the unconventional beauty of New Orleans.
After a good 15 minutes of silence Ruby broke it informing you that you had arrived.

As you got out you began to examine the environment. In front of you there was a large body body of water. Something about it was so captivating.

You stared at the lake for a few more seconds before Ruby handed you a newly lit blunt.

You took a hit and passed it back and felt the wind hit you pushing the organic aroma of the lake into your nose. You stood there watching the lake and the waves crashing against the Louisiana mud. When all of the sudden you get this urge to go in.

You take off your dress and run into the lake. You hear Ruby call out for you but you were already engulfed by the lake. You see Ruby take off his clothes and run in after you.

"Y/N" he called out while approaching you.
You swam around letting the lake swallow you whole, each time the water would crash against your skin you experienced a feeling of pure ecstasy. This was the happiest you've ever felt in your entire life.

"Y/N" he said grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into his chest.

"Ruby can you feel it?" You asked him as the water violently crashed against you both.

He nodded and stared off into the distance until he threw you into the water and began to splash you.

"Hey!!!" you yelled while splashing him back.

You two continued splash each other before he pulled you in for a kiss.

God he's so beautiful.

You couldn't help but stare at him & the way the water droplets fell from his long eyelashes. (I wish I had his lashes I'm jealous 😡😡)

You felt yourself growing more and more feelings towards him but $crim's words lingered in the back of your head and suddenly you snapped out of the trance you were in.
You both made your way up to the shore and put your clothes back on.

"So there's a party tonight at me n $lick' you wanna go?" He asked looking down at the ground.

Without even thinking you replied
"I'd love to..."

This isn't going to end well.

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