The Human and the Baby

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When Sans first saw him, this grown male human with the smallest human he had ever seen in his arms, he had been at a loss for words. Sure, he had seen human children, knew how small they were compared to the monsters underground, but never had Sans seen a grown human before, much less a baby human.

He couldn't believe that humans could be that small, that vulnerable, that...cute. When he looked at the child, he saw a little Papyrus in them, and Sans felt his SOUL melt at the sight, especially when the child, upon seeing him, buried their face into the male's shirt, earning a chuckle from the latter.

Looking between Sans and his child, a finger from his free hand lightly tickled the child's feet, making them twitch and giggle.

"Come now hun, he's not going to hurt you, are you?" The male said the last part with a glare in Sans' direction, and Sans knew the human was not afraid to kill him if he posed even the slightest threat to his child. Normally Sans would've been offended at that, even threatened him himself, but he understood the human's feelings and protective instinct. So, he responded with a nod.

Sans held out a hand. "name's sans, sans the skeleton," he greeted. The human eyed his hand, seeing the whoopee cushion, and with a raised eyebrow, took it, resulting in the farting sound effect coming along. The baby jumped but let out a squeal of laughter and began to clap their hands together, causing both Sans and the human to smile.

"heh, whoopee cushion trick works every time," Sans remarked.

"I agree," said the human. "Anyway, I am (Y/N) (L/N), and this goofball is my little one, (C/N). Say hello, (C/N)."

That was how Sans met (Y/N) and his baby.

When Papyrus met them, he was unable to contain himself after seeing a grown human male, but when he saw the baby, he looked confused. He slowly approached (Y/N) and (C/N), his eyes on the latter, and looked between (Y/N) and (C/N).

"SANS," began the taller skeleton, "ARE HUMANS SUPPOSED TO BE THIS SMALL?"

(Y/N) beat Sans to the answer. "Yes, when they are newly born and barely five."

Hearing that, Papyrus' hands flew to his face, an orange blush overcoming his face and his eyes sparkling in wonder. "WOWIE!!"

Papyrus' loud voice scared the baby, who began to cry.

Papyrus panicked, his sparkly eyes being replaced with large bug eyes. "OH NO, I'M SO SORRY TINY HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPYRUS DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU!"

The baby kept on crying.

The human didn't look surprised or offended at this, in fact he began to gently rock the child, a gentle smile on his face.

"Now where has that smile gone?" he asked, lightly running his finger on his child's belly, which ceased the latter's crying. "Oh, where could it be?"

He pretended to look confused, and began to look around, causing the baby to laugh. Smiling, the human looked back down at the baby.

"There it is!" He then brought the child up over his head and began to rock them, causing delighted squeals to erupt from the child.

That was the day they met the human father and his child, and Sans never regrets meeting them.

Though he was confused on why someone like (Y/N) was here, and whenever he or Papyrus questioned him, he would go quiet, his face contorting to one of sadness. Upon seeing that expression, the skeletons didn't press and decided to wait until (Y/N) was comfortable enough to talk about it. They didn't really know each other after all, and (Y/N)'s top priority was looking after his child and making sure that they were cared for.

Father's Love (Skelebros x Single Father!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now