Innocent tutoring (SMUT)

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[Plot: Jimin is failing Math class so he reaches out to one of his closest friends who is also his crush-to tutor him]

Jimin's POV:

I'm awful at maths. Always have been. I suck at maths just as Grayson Dolan sucks at being funny. I've tried understanding, but every time I think I have gotten the hang of it, another test result reminds me that I'm shit.

My friends are good at maths and ofcourse the golden Maknae is the best in our class. It pisses me off just how good he is at everything but then again, it makes me like him even more. I've liked Jungkook eversince we started Highschool. I didn't understand before, but after summer he became a new person. After that one summer, I began looking at him differently.He was no longer the shy, innocent jungkook we all knew in middle school. He was now more confident and hench. He began talking to many girls and slept with even more. And I pathetically was one of the many girls and guys who were also instantly swooned by his new muscles and playful smirks.
One thing that remained the same, was his brain. So inorder to graduate I knew that I needed to fix up. SO what better way than getting tutored for free by my crush?
"Jimin-assi"I heard his suggestive voice from outside my house as I jumped off my bed towards the opened window.
"I told you to stop calling me that!" I shouted back with a bright smile. I loved it when he called me that although I was older than him.
"Why? It suits you" He smirked up at me as he waited for me unlock the door for him to come in.
I always wondered if he secretly knew about my feelings towards him because  just as he transformed into this new Jungkook, he also began heavily flirting with me, not that I minded. However, it did hurt knowing that after treating me as such, he'd go treat anything living and breathing in the very same way. I knew it was irrational for me to feel such emotions. Believe me, I've tried not caring because Jungkook was and is not mine so it made no sense to be jealous. Yet that fact alone, added to emotional nights.

"Coming!" I yelled out my window before rushing down the stairs.

Although on the outside and to jungkook himself, we appeared as close friends because factually, that's all we are, my brain continued to fool me into thinking I should at least look presentable when he arrived. And so, I made sure to take a quick shower, wear a skintight black shirt with short shorts. It was summer after all so it couldn't be suspicious. I was basically drenched in my favourite perfume- just in case he would be close to me.
Right before opening the door, I quickly turned towards the mirror in the hallway and inspected myself. I nodded in approval after fixing my hair into place and opened the door.

I didn't know if it was the hot summer air or if it was  Jungkooks presence, but I could swear the temperature rose up at least 10 degrees. It felt like I was wearing more and more layers of clothing as my eyes continued to uncontrollably scroll down his muscular exterior. He was wearing his signature white top. But because of the humidity, his shirt was slightly clinging to his sweaty abdomen, outlining each and every muscle. His thick thighs were also out in display, instantly vacuuming the air out of my lungs and leaving me to suffocate. Damn he's hot.

After inspecting him, I forced my eyes to rise back up and as expected, he was smirking, teasing and taunting me.
"Com-e in" I stuttered out, instantly regretting that I even tried speaking
"Jimin are you ok? Do you have a fever?" His previous smirk was replaced with a concerned expression as he leaned forwards and rose the back of his hand to touch my heated forehead.
As I felt his soft hand touch my forehead, my eyes closed in satisfaction, melting right on the spot.
"You could fry an egg on this" Jungkook chuckled,pulling back his arm and pretended to be burned.
I opened my eyes quickly and was met with Jungkooks deep, golden brown eyes.
They didn't look like the typical muddy type of brown but instead represented a glass of whiskey when sunlight hit. Intoxicating yet captivating to stare into.
Damn every bit of him is beautiful. We remained in that position for a while, in the middle of the doorway, just staring at eachover.
"Do you have any medicine?" Jungkook recovered and walked inside.
"Oh don't worry, I feel fine. It's just hot" I reassured him as I gently closed the door, feeling fragile to even move.
What did he even do to make me feel like this?

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