A Struggle For Love

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A Struggle for Love

Chapter 1

I was doing the weekly grocery shop with my roommate Liz, when I heard over the announcing system 'Paul to isle 7'

When I picked up the shampoo I heard laughter, really loud laughter.

'What the hell' I mumbled. When I went to go put the shampoo in the trolley I noticed Liz had walked off on me. I'll catch up with her later; I needed to get a few things in this isle anyways. That’s when I heard a stampede coming my way. I looked up just quick enough to get knocked back into the rack and to the floor with the Shampoo going flying out of my hands in front of me. Who the hell would be running in a grocery store!? I looked up and saw the bluest eyes I had ever seen in my life, He put his hand out and I took it, I tried to pull myself up, but something wasn't right in my back. I made a weird noise. What the hell happened to my back? God I hope it wasn't too bad.

As I got up all the way it took me a minute to regain my balance

, was this good-looking stranger going to apologize to me or what? He was just staring at me with those big blue eyes, filled with so much worry and sadness.

'Umm, I think you're supposed to be saying sorry right about now?' That sounded a little bitchy woops. I bit my lip; my back hurt so much.

'Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!'

'Niall, we had better get going we have company!' Yelled a man from behind the boy apparently called Niall.

There were 4 more boys behind him huffing and puffing 'Yeah, your right Zayn but' he looked back at me. I looked away from him to the 3 boys behind Zayn and Niall. 1 of them had the curliest hair I'd ever seen in my life, He was staring at me with the weirdest look on his face. I tried walking on the spot seeing what damage had been done. Whenever I moved my right leg I got a shot of pain up through my back. Oh great, I hope it doesn't interfere with my dancing career. This was supposed to be my reason for being to London.

Australia had sent me here to go to a dance school as an instructor. I started walking off or should I say limping off when Niall jogged up behind me and grabbed my arm 'I really am sorry, umm what's your name?' he was slowly pulling me away from the other boys. Where was Liz when you needed her? 'My name is Jasmine, Well Jazz'

He smiled 'Hi Jazz, I'm Niall'

'I'm Harry' said the one with the curly hair.

'I'm Liam'

'I'm Louis' said the one with the stripy shirt.

'And I'm Zayn' everyone said after each other.

'Hi everyone, I'm Jazz and I really should get going, you know, shopping and everything' as I started walking I tripped over my own feet and was falling straight for the ground. I was about 10 cm from the ground when I felt the strongest but softest hands around my waist pulling me up. God my back hurt so badly. When I was fully upright, I was chest to chest with Niall. He smelt amazing. I hardly knew this guy and I already had my chest against his.

'Thank you for catching me' I said looking up into his eyes.

'No problem' someone cleared there throat I looked around Niall, It was Liam. He was holding up the shampoo I had dropped when I got knocked over.

'Thank you' I pushed out of Nialls arms and grabbed the shampoo. 'Well, I'm really going this time, Good-bye everyone' I waved 'and thank you Niall for catching my, after you pushed me and yes I accept your apology for knocking me over. I just hope that my injury doesn't ruin my dancing'

'No worries love' I felt my knees go weak. Wow that sounded amazing when he said it in his Irish accent.

Liam stepped in front of Niall 'You dance? My girlfriend Danielle dances, maybe you too could meet up and dance together some time?' he had the biggest smile on his face; there was no way I could refuse that.

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