Chapter 1

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The store light bounced off his cheekbones and made him look even more tired than he already was.

Edd Goldman, your boyfriend, the man you had loved for three years. He was sweet, smart, and he always made sure you knew he loved you. He was rather attractive, too.

As you two walked through the store, he held your hand. Your rather sweaty, gross hand. If he couldn't tell you were nervous, as he usually asked if you were ok, he was playing dumb.

You two checked out and went to the car, driving away. You put music on - your favorite band. Edd glanced at you as you stopped at a red light.

"Hey, uh. Are you okay? You seem really quiet." Edd said, resting his hands on the steering wheel.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Guilt flooded through you as you spoke.

He still looked worried, so you smiled at him and took his hand, kissing the back of it.

As you did, you remembered last night.

Edd had kindly made dinner, so everyone sat down and ate quickly. It was your choice of movie tonight, and you were happy. You had chosen Contact.

Everyone got to the couch in your apartment and sat down in the usual order - Tom on the chair, Matt on the end of the large blue couch, you in the middle, and Edd on your other side. You took Edd's hand and focused on the movie for the first half. Once the main character discovered the blue prints hidden in the messages, you felt someone looking at you. Glancing at Matt, he was almost asleep. Edd was next to you and totally caught up in the movie. The only one left was Tom. Looking over at him without moving your head, you saw he was looking at you. His head was turned to you and you both blushed before looking at the movie again.

You kept sneaking glances at him (not moving your head, of course) and he most likely did the same. For the past few days you had been noticing things about Tom. How he squinted when he laughed. How he scrunched up his nose after a long drink. How he could be much kinder to you when you were alone.

After the movie, when everyone had gone to their apartments, you and Edd walked to your bedroom and got ready for bed. Edd pulled off his jeans and hoodie and changed into grey basketball shorts, and you took off your shirt and pulled on one of Edd's old shirts - a stained thing that said 'Cola Boy'. When you got back from the brushing your teeth, Edd sat on the edge of the bed looking rather confused. You walked over to him.

"Edd, babe, you alright?" You asked, sitting next to him.

"Tom was looking at you." He said. He stared down at the green carpet floor.

You blushed and thanked god it was dark, the only light being the moon in the sky.

"So? You and Matt look at me."

Edd shifted and looked you in the eyes, looking a tad angry.

"No, he was looking at you. Really looking." He practically growled.

"Oh." You paused and moved closer, hugging his waist and resting your head on his chest, not being able to reach his shoulder. The man was 6'3, so tall. "Edd. I don't know what you think will happen, but I am not gonna leave you. Let Tom look at me, it doesn't mean he likes me."

"But he does like you! He said it when he was drunk!" Edd cries, startling you a bit.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm not leaving you. I love you."

He slowly puts an arm around you, pulling you in for a hug before sadly smiling and saying it was late.

That was the night you realized how you felt about Tom.

Edd pulled into your apartment building, and you got out and helped him with the groceries. Once everything was put away, you turned to him and kissed him. He put his arms around your waist, and when you pulled away he smiled wide.

"Any reason for that?" He asked, chuckling. You smiled at him, happy he was happy, and just kissed him again.


ok,,, so this is my first long eddsworld fanfic. reminder, these characters are fictional. So dont think i support you being weird to the irl

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