In the current state of times our society is very aroused by anything that is happening. Through the course of this book, I make you think about the topics that our society is very scared to touch. Why? “Well because these things aren’t talked about, they should stay that way.” No they shouldn’t. How you see yourself, how others see you, how you see other people, how it’s all so wrong. The ideas that we hold about other genders and people in general and how they are all so messed up. What does it mean to be perfect? How do the generations react to the implementation of this idea? How did people especially teens deal with that idea? Your entire guide to knowing what goes on in the minds of teens and so much more.
Laugh, cringe, fall on the floor, cry and get the sudden urge to punch me all the way through this book.Read the opinions, thoughts, remarks and views of old young and middle aged people and realize how things after changed between generations. How the gaps left by people who aren’t willing to do anything are filled by the thinkers, the outcasts and the rebels of our society. I know that last part sounded like the intro to a really bad movie about a rise to attain democracy in a country but don’t be fooled. This book doesn’t do any of that clichéd shit.
Figure out where you stand in today’s world. Are you a follower? Are you a thinker? Are you a gigantic douche bag? Hopefully not the third one.
Enjoy stories that I have drawn from my own, my friends, and relatives lives. This is something you can dip into anytime, whether you are sad happy or angry to get amused by gentle humor and wit.
Amuzes-vous bien,
Viel Spaß,
Enjoy yourself!