I need you back

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-Get in the car.


-I said— would you please—ugh- Tony sighed, closing his eyes out of frustration. Darkness. For one moment, there was only darkness. God knew he was tired of that darkness. He was tired, in general, and the Maximoff kid wasn't making it any easier for him. He opened his eyes reluctantly, repeating to himself that this was necessary, that he was doing it for the sake of the Avengers, if they could still be called like that.

-Wanda- he said slowly, looking up at the young girl. She had changed in the past months, Tony could see it. She looked skinnier, paler, arms and face marked by little cuts and bruises here and there. She looked tired, too, but she didn't look like an outlaw. She just looked like a kid that had been through a lot. -Please, listen to me.

-I'm listening, Stark- she answered just as calmly, crossing her arms.

-I want to help, okay? I've— I've fucked up, I know that this time—

-This time?- the girl raised an eyebrow, which made Tony bit his lip, holding back a roll of his eyes.

-Several times. I know you see me as some kind of selfish idiot or— I don't even know, but I swear I was only trying to do the right thing. I was trying to protect you—

-Maybe we didn't need protection—

-We used to- Tony took a deep breath, lowering his gaze -Watch each other's back. Be there for each other. We made mistakes. I did. And... and I'm sorry.

He bit his tongue to keep his voice from breaking at the last words. There was silence for the following minutes. Tony wasn't looking at Wanda, he couldn't bring himself to do so. Even there, at the Avengers Facility, even if he was Tony Stark, even if he was wearing his smart suit, eyes hidden behind his red pair of glasses, even then he felt vulnerable. Yet, he knew he had to do this. And he knew it was probably his only chance.

-Do you really think this will work? Do you really think... that he will come back?

She wasn't provoking him. She wasn't being sarcastic, either. She was lowering her defenses, asking him that question that had been buzzing in Tony's mind for so long now. That question that had him awake at night at the craziest hours, that question that had him doubt of his plan more than one time.

-I hope so- he murmured, rubbing his neck.

-Mr Stark! Mr Stark-sir!

-There he goes- Tony rolled his eyes, turning to face a clumsy —and way too excited for his own good— Peter Parker running down the stairs of the Facility, backpack in one hand and a white paper bag in the other.

-Yes, kid.

-I—I tried to be as fast as I could, I asked Happy to tell you I was going to be late but he ignored me, so I couldn't warn you—

-You have my number- the man said, looking at the younger boy with an amused face.

-Oh- Peter's face went blank, the turned bright red in less than a second -I didn't think of that. B-but I brought you a Donut! Oh— hi Wanda!

Tony frowned, looking between the two teenagers with a raised eyebrow.

-I went to visit her a couple of times this winter. She's cool.

-Technically, she's an outlaw- Tony pointed out, reaching out to grab the paper bag but Peter frowned and turned to face Wanda, causing Tony to miss the bag.

-I know, but she's gonna join us, right? You are, right Wanda?

-Oh, don't puppy-eye me- the girl said with a small smile, hitting the boy's arm playfully and Peter smiled back.

I need you back - (stony)Where stories live. Discover now