Chapter 1

594 11 5

hai~~~ i hope you enjoy! Not proofread don't question it!


Where am i...? Where is this place? What am i doing here? All these questions run through donghae's mind.

*5 hours ago* (4:30 pm)

Donghae was taking his daily walk around the park. He ran towards the duck pond and took out a bag a bread crusts and started throwing it towards the ducks. All the ducks came flocking around donghae and attacked each other for the bread. As donghae enjoyed himself little did he know that there was someone following his every move.

After donghae finished feeding the ducks he walked towards the playground and saw kids playing on the swings so he sat down on a empty bench and watched the kids play. He waited until they were done playing then he got up and sat on the swing for a while. It was around 5:20 pm by then and the park was clearing. he decided to visit hia favorite place in the park.

He walked towards a bunch of trees and stopped when you couldnt see the park anymore. This seluded area was favorite spot in the park. Surounded by nothing but trees. It made him feel like he was the only one in the world he felt so at peace here. He layed down and closed his eyes for a while.


He heard a noise and quickly sat up. He looked around and didnt see an animal or human around. He started to get creeped out. He got up and yelled out " is anyone here?" The only sound that he could hear was the wind blowing through the trees. "Hello??" He called out again. Donghae got up quickly and started walking back to the park. He was scared that something might happen to him if he stayed somewhere no one can see him.

* crunch* he heard the noise again and looked back. He still didnt see Anything. This relly made him creeped out and he started running out the secluded area.he kepted running but he never reached the park.

"Did i run the wrong way?!" He thought to himself. He stopped and started thinking if he should turn back so he could run to the park. Then he suddenly heard footsteps. He hid behind a bush as quickly as he could and tried to stay as quiet as he could. The footsteps stopped

" shit i lost him!" DOngahe was surprised and nearly gasped when he heard someones voice."someone was following me?" Donghae tried to look through the bush to see the person that was following him. Trying to stay as quiet as he can he looked through the bush and saw a tall red haired man. He was wearing all black and his back was facing him on so donghae couldnt tell how the red haired man looked like. He saw the man look around and soon faced toward the bush donghae was hiding behind.

Donghae quickly ducked his head hoping he wouldnt be seen. He covered his mouth trying to muffle his hard breathing.

"Who is this person?? Why is he following me?? How am i going to get home???" These were the only thoughts that went through donghae's mind. Then suddenly.*ring ring ring* donghae's phone went off.donghae jumped " shit!" He quickly shut it off and peeked through thebush and saw the man walk towards him.

'HOLY CRAP WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!' donghae heard the foot stps coming closer and closer. He didnt know what to do. He turned around and suddenlyheard the foot steps stop. Donghae turned back around he saw the man stand there staring at him with a huge grin.

" found you~~~" the man sang. Donghae stared at the man with a frighten looked on his face and started backing up and was soon stopped by a tree. The man quickly walked towards donghae. He stood directly in front of donghae. " did you think that i wouldnt catch you sooneer ofr later?~" The man started caressing donghaes cheeck. A whimper left Donghaes mouth and tears started filling his eyes threatening to fall. Donghae didnt understand why this man was following or what he wanted from him. he closed his eyes and faced away from the man, his tears fell.

" awww hae dont cry i wont hurt you as long as you listen to what i want~" the man cupped donghae face and leaned in closer and whispered to donghae's ear.. " become mine~" Donghae's eyes widened. " what...?" He managed to say but more like a whisper. " i said become mine~" donghae couldnt believe what he heard. He couldnt think properly and the only thing that he could think was " i need to get away from this man.."

"Well?~ what do you say?~" the man whispered into donghae's ear again. This time sendng a chill down his spine. donghae shivered.

" no... dont come near me...." The red haired man eyes widened " what did you say?" He asked in a serious tone. He squeezed donghae's cheeks together with one hand. Donghae whimpered and shut his eyes tight trying to avoid looking at the man. 'What have i got myself into....' "donghae answer me. What did you say? did you say not tocome near you?" Donghae just stayed quiet. " do you know how long i dreamed of having you to myself?! and now you want me to not come near you?!"

'Someone please help me...'

The man just kept screaming at donghae. Donghae coukdnt focus on anything... everything was becoming hazy... then suddeny he had an urge to just run for his life. He looked at the man one last timeand then he pushed the manaway and started running. He didnt knowwhere but he coukdnt care less as longashe was away from him. He heard footsteps coming after him but he didnt dare turn back to see.

Donghe gaspd as he felt a tug onhis wrist. He turned quicklytrying to pry the mans hand away. " oh you arent getting away that easily hae~~" " no!!!!please leave mealone!!!!" *smack* Donghae fell to theground holding his stinging cheek. " i gave you a choice hae~ but you refused to listen so i'm taking you by force now~~"still holding onto his cheek donghae backed away from the man only to be stopped by a tree . " no.... don't come near me..." " hae you don't need to be scared~~" the man walked closer to donghae. " i wont hurt you~~" he went towards donghae and pulled something out of his pocket.

'Someone please save me.....'

He shut his eyes hoping that this was all some sick nightmare. Only to be Shown that this was reality and there was a crazy man trying o take him away. He felt the man come closer and cover his mouth with something... after that everything went blank.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i hope ithe first chapter wasnt bad..>.<

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