Visit from the Unexpected

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"Kasey!" Someone yelled at me as I left the building. I turned to my superior.

"What do you need Jake? I thought we were done for the day," I said.

"There's been another murder, we need the best on the job," Jake said as he caught up with me.

"Oh, okay, let me call Chase and tell him I'll be home late," I answered. I whipped out my phone and called my boyfriend.

"Chase, there's been another murder, Jake wants me on the job," I told him.

"Okay, do you want me to wait up?" He asked.

"No, you have to get up early, I'll be fine, bye," I said as I hung up.

Jake got into the passenger seat of my car and I headed to the crime scene.

"This victim is the same as the last two, broken neck, wife beaten to death with a random object," Jake stated.

"Right, let's hope they left some kind of clue," I said. I knew that this was no ordinary killer, this was a demon. At least that's what my instincts told me.

We arrived at the scene and got out of the car.

"Huh? Feds?" Jake questioned as he walked up to two tall men in suits.

Oh God, not here, not now. Please not them.

When they turned to us my suspicions were sadly proven correct. In front of me stood Sam and Dean Winchesters, my brothers.

"Hello, Agents McCoy and Sparks," Dean offered Jake his hand. He hadn't noticed me.

"Hello, I'm Detective Jake Baker and this is Detective Kasey Willet," Jake introduced. Dean and Sam almost broke character as they shook my hand.

"Jake, I'm going to look at the bodies," I said before walking off.

"I'll join her," I heard Sam say. I internally groaned. I picked up my pace as Sam's footsteps grew closer, but I was too slow.

"Kasey! It's so good to see you," Sam said as he caught up to me.

"Whatever, you just gank the demon and go," I spat at him. I knew that I shouldn't take my anger out on him, but Dad and Dean weren't here at the moment.

"How do you know it's a demon?" Sam questioned.

"No signs of a break in, which means that it was someone the wives trusted; their husbands or a friend, no odd fingerprints and demons at careless, so most likely not a friend. Also, the husbands only have broken necks while the wives are completely beaten," I explain, "It's either a demon or a shifter, but there were no reports of someone being in different places at the same time."

"Wow," Sam breathed, "You're like the American Sherlock Holmes."

"Hardly, and flattery won't get me back," I said as I walked around the crime scene, "Ask Dean, he should be able tell you everything, if he hasn't already."

"Just give us an hour to talk," Sam pleaded.

"I need to get home," I persisted.

"One hour, that's it," Sam said.

"No," I objected. I started walking away, but Sam continued following me. I told Jake that I was leaving.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," Jake replied.

I could feel Dean and Sam eyeing me as I walked to my car. I got in and started the drive to my house.

I arrived at my house and I couldn't place it, but something felt off. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed myself a beer, before heading to the bedroom. Chase wasn't in bed yet, in fact, he didn't seem to even be in the house.

"Chase?" I called out into the empty house. I looked around the kitchen to see if there was a note explaining why he wasn't home.

I sat down on the bed and pulled out my phone, no texts or missed calls. Where was he?

I laid back and closed my eyes. Chase would show up sooner or later.

I felt something drip onto my forehead. I brought my hand up and wiped it off. It was blood. I looked up to the ceiling and there was Chase, covered in blood.

"No!" I cried, "No!"

Chase burst into flames and I knew that if I didn't get out of the house I would die, but my legs wouldn't move.

"Kasey!" Sam yelled from behind me. He grabbed me and lugged me out of the house. He shoved me into the car and Dean sped down the road. I could see the house burning to the ground in the distance.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked. I stayed silent, "Please, Kasey, talk to us."

"It's my fault," I whispered.

"It's not your fault," Dean said, "You had no way of knowing that was going to happen."

"I could have told him, I could have told him so he could protect himself," I muttered, tears running down my face, "And now he's dead, because of me."

"I know how you feel," Sam said, "And it's not your fault."

"How would you know?" You question, "Three years, three years we were together! I am the reason he is dead!"

"I'm sorry, and I do know how it feels, the same exact thing happened to my girlfriend a few years ago," Sam said quietly.

We rode in silence for a while before Dean pulled over onto the side of the road.

"We need to talk," Dean stated.

"About what? Why I left? You know perfectly well why I did," I huffed. I had run out of tears and now I was just upset.

"Yes, I don't know why, an Dean refuses to tell me," Sam said.

"Fine. You want to hear the story?" I demanded, "Dad-no, he is not my father-John, took all of his anger out on me. Simply because I reminded him of mom! And every time, Dean would just stand by and watch, he wouldn't even try to intervene! I left because my 'family' wasn't really family!"

"I never knew-" Sam started.

"I know you didn't, and I never meant to hurt you, but I needed to leave," I said, "As long as John is still around, and Dean is too afraid to stand up to him, I will never come back."

"Well, Dad is gone, and Dean has been to Hell, so I'm pretty sure he can stand up to people," Sam told me.

"John's gone as in...?" I trailed off.

"Dead, for a few years," Dean answered.

"And you've been to the pit? And survived?" I skeptically asked.

"Yeah, an angel named Castiel brought me back," Dean said.

"Angels? Really? Are you so desperate to get me back that you feed me a load of shit?" I opened the car door, "I'm out, and for once, let me stay out."

"Kase, just let me call him down here!" Dean pleaded.

"Don't call me Kase!" I yelled as I walked away.

"Hello," a deep voice said from behind me. I jumped and turned towards it. There was a man wearing a trench coat standing there.

"Who the hell at you?" I demanded, backing up.

"I'm Castiel, an angel of the Lord," he stated.

"Angels aren't real," I told him as I continued to walk away.

He appeared in front of me which startled me, causing me to fall over.

I scrambled backwards, "Get the hell away from me!"

"I won't hurt you, Kasey Winchester, I'm here to tell you about your destiny."


Okay, yeah, first chapter, hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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