The Bad Boy Myth

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Cammie P.O.V

The day I first clapped eyes on Drake Black was a Tuesday. You see Tuesday and I have a history, it's the worst day of the week. Screw Monday and check out Tuesday, it's the second day of the week and you then realise that you still have 4 more days to go..... What could be worse!Then drake had to come along and ruin any good view on Tuesdays that I ever had. Bye for good Tuesday.

" Cameron Joseph get down here this instant. Your gonna be late for school!"

Ughhh who cares anyway it's not like algebra 101 is gonna help me in the real world. I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror,I shook in horror. Mornings had never been kind to me.
I cleaned up as fast I could, whilst being half asleep. The only reason was not wanting to miss breakfast, any chance for food was a good one. I pulled my new hype rucksack over my shoulders and headed for the door.
"Ahem" I heard in the background. Swivelling round i offered my mum a sheepish grin and turned to kiss her. we had stuck together no matter what life has thrown at us, and I loved her even more for it.
It was only a short walk to school and before I even had the chance to listen to two songs on ed sheerans album I was at school.

Does anyone else find earbuds can be your saviour whilst at school. Well music is what helps me get through the year.

"CAMMIE!!!!!" That would be Jenna, my best friend since nursery, and I guess you could say the two of us were pretty badass, although I didn't really look the part with curly Long blond hair(it gets straightened if I can be bothered, which today i could) and round blue eyes. Whereas Jenna was more punky with black hair and purple highlights, not forgetting the nose ring, and always, always paired with her trust leather jacket.
"Can where were you for the last week of the holidays, you disappeared off of the face of the earth!"
"I know mum grounded me! I told you we shouldn't of stayed out that late!" To this Jenna replied with a carefree laugh.

"Oh well, there's always next year" I wanted to say angry with her but I couldn't and ended up bursting out with laughter
" Oh come on, we need to get our timetables"
Soon enough we found ourselves infront of the office, taking our timetables from the receptionists hands.
"Yes!" Jenna exclaimed."Art with Mr g" I on the other hand was let down.
"Math with Mr smith? Ha your life sucks !" Jenna decided to taunt.
"Fûck off" I hit her in the head just as the bell rung to signal first period. "see ya at break" at that point I was feeling like I may need anger management but I contained and chose a seat at the back, the furthest away from human contact as possible, when Mr smith stood up with a new student.
" Everyone this is drake black, he's joining us today from California, drake say hi" but 'drake' was to busy scanning the room when his eyes locked with Mine, then the idiot had the nerve to wink, yes wink at me!
This is my first time writing in wattpad so it may be a bit bad + I'm British and this story is American so I may get some terms wrong sorry. if you could give me feedback and some suggestions for characters that would be appreciated loads thank you.❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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