Chapter 1.

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Cheryl slides the blanket onto her head as she hears someone knocking the door. This little girl is too scared and afraid to open the door of her room at 2:47am. She opens the drawer next to her quietly and takes out her phone. Going back into the blanket, she texts her mum;

"Are you at the door, mum"

She waits for her mum to respond for like 2 minutes but she doesn't reply. So Cheryl takes off her blanket and gets out of the bed. She rubs her knuckles onto her eyes, and speaks loudly;

"Who is it ? Mum ? Dad ?"

No one replies instead the door stops knocking. She turns back and see that someone turned the switch of her lamp on and off. It didn't spark as she hears someone switching it.

Her younger brother who was sleeping next to her snores loudly, Cheryl goes to him and whispers;

"Brandon, are you okay ?"

In the meantime he wakes up saying he had a nightmare.

"Same, I had one too that is why I woke up and then I heard someone knocking the door." Says Cheryl.

"Why don't you open the door then ?" -Brandon

"Why don't you open it ?" -Cheryl

"Fine" -Brandon.

Brands gets of the bed and walks slowly towards the door, he slightly opens it. He tries to but it's locked.

"What the heck its not opening!" -Brandon screams as he tries hard.

"Get away, stupid. Let me try." -Cheryl.

It wasn't too late as they realize that the door is locked from out.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'll call Dad"-Cheryl

She calls him twice but he doesn't picks the call but after like 3 minutes he calls back;

"Why the heck are you calling me at 3am in the morning, Sleep!?" His father screams at her.

"Dad, someone locked the door, we're scared please come upstairs." -Cheryl

Whoops and he cuts the call.

It was enough for them, Brandon and Cheryl kicks the door, they're screaming and kicking it, Cheryl pulls the handle of the door downwards like really hard and the door breaks.

"Oh Lord, Dad's gonna kill us!" -Brandon

"No one is here." -Cheryl

"What were you hearing then ?" -Brandon

Cheryl walks slowly in the hallway, Brandon following her. Its all dark as coal and they're trying to follow someone's footsteps. They cannot see or smell anything, all they can is "hear" someone whispering and walking.

Cheryl screams loudly;

"Daddy ? Mommy ? Can someone please get us out of this dark ? Please turn on the lights I cannot see the switch even."

In the meantime, she hears her mum screaming screaming, she follows it but it seems to her as if the voice is running away from her. She holds Brandon's hands and runs downstairs with him keeping him right next to her.

"Mum ? Where are you ?"

She follows the voice and walks into her parents room where the lights and TV is on, They feel quite better after being in there parent's room.

"Cheryl!" -Brandon

"What ?" -Cheryl

"Come here and see" - Brandon

Cheryl walks slowly towards the washroom and sees her mum dipped into blood. She's into a white tub, thats white tub looks all red. This 12 years old couldn't see it all.



Cheryl faints

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Cheryl faints.

//Hey there, so its my first story and if you likes it, then please vote and comment something nice. It would mean alot to me. Plus do tell me how I should continue the story.//

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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