Chapter 1; Life

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Her name, Sawyer Hunt. Occupation, student at her local college while she has a part time job on the side; drug dealing.

Being born into the Hunt family, Sawyer had a lot growing up. A father who works full time, a mother whom stays home to attend to their daughters and their activities.

At the age of four, Sawyer went missing while under her grandparents care. The police, fire department and all were called. They searched the property, the tree line and farm behind the grandparents property. The woods on the other side of the road. To no avail after four hours of her being gone. Until, her grandfather sees the tarp over the tractor move slightly, knowing there were no wind that day he went with his gut. Seeing a sweat drenched four year old, nearly breathing. Her power ranger shirt and shorts soaked and dark brown hair sticking to her forehead. She is only taken back into the home and put on a couch in front of a fan and air conditioner, given water until she regains consciousness.

She is never the same after that. What was once a happy beautiful child, now secludes herself from her family. Such a young child, so detached from the world. Sawyer only ever feels comfortable around her older sister Willow, who is two years older than her. Even then, it took years for Sawyer to muster the courage to confide in her sister. Having either been luck, or sheer family love, Willow never told a soul. Her father or mother included, although they already knew.

Her mother dies when Sawyer is seventeen, having just months before graduation. She was tore, broken, and shielded herself away causing destruction to herself. Her mother was a big piece of her, helping her along the way with the curse that was driven to Sawyer. The fire that raged inside of her was now released. After all those countless child hood nightmares, all the sleepless nights because of fear of herself. It was all gone now. The last soft piece that was left of her.

But she was able to control it after time. Just like all those times before. With Willow helping her, she was able to finish high school and jump straight into her college courses. Deciding on a degree in photography, Sawyer finds her free time occupied as time goes. Having taken part of Willow's High School parties back in their student days, Sawyer had gotten quite familiar with the local drug dealers around their small city. Over time, she has escalated to being an unknown shadow to one of the top suppliers of the city.

It was good pay, considering the dangers and long nights. But that didn't bother her too much. Times were tough, the money a non issue as their banks accounts were loaded. The emptiness of their parents being gone, the burden of it all. It was too much for two teenagers. So, Sawyer found ways to keep busy.

That's Sawyer's life. Drug deals, school, sleepless nights, the fear. It is almost like her childhood all over again. The fire burning inside of her seeping its way out and burdening her once more. Being near death has cursed her, blackened her blood and a fire has driven her back to life.

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