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People like to call it many different names, but the most common is Lucifer. Lucifer is obviously a term for "the devil", so as you can imagine it is very scary to meet with this thing. It is everything you would think of the devil to be, a little human like, very tall, very skinny, showing each and every bone in it's body, has jet black wings, horns on its head, with a very creepy smile upon it's face.
Lucifer only comes out to play when you have done something bad. It'll come late at night when it's pitch black in your room. It props itself on the end of your bed staring at you with that big creepy smile on it's face.
People are reportedly seeing this thing propped at the end of their beds at around 3:33 AM. We all know that if you double 3:33, it would turn out to be 6:66, so that's a rather frightening thing about Lucifer. Children scream for their parents about this scary monster at night. Parents have to reassure their children that 'monsters just aren't real'.
You see, that's the thing we tell our children to get them to go back to sleep.
Lucifer isn't the only one. Lucifer is one of many demons walking the earth. No one is innocent in these demons eyes. So they follow you around each and every day, for many different things that you have done wrong in life.
Lucifer is the only one that has gone noticed though. It's very difficult to spot the other demons, but these other demons could quite easily be your boss, your partner, your parents. These other demons manage to take over your loved ones bodies. Lucifer is just for that fear factor, he's the leader of hell on earth.
These demons are all the things that you have done wrong in life.
There are also angels walking the earth to try and balance out the bad. You may be wondering why Lucifer can't do anything to you, well, that's because these angels are there to ensure he can't put you in harms way.
These angels get weaker and weaker. This means that it won't be too long until Lucifer is able to get you. Until you wake up with bruises and scratches on yourself. Or until you begin to live inside the demon that's living within you.
It's chilling really, knowing that one mistake that anyone makes could break this earth.

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