The Fight

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Hi i'm Hollie Winkler I'm in middle school, in 7th grade. I go to Winstone Middle School and my life sucks.

I get bullied all the time because I'm dating the hottest guy in school. His name is Dillon, Dillon Owen. He has greenish blue eyes. His hair looks kind of like Greyson Chance, from the music video "Hold On 'Til The Night."

He's perfect.... To me. "Hey baby", Dillon said from behind and hugged me by the waist. "Hey babe" I said... I turned around and kissed his lips. Gosh, his lips were the softest lips ever...and amazing. "how are you? " he asked. "I'm great, and you?" I replied.

"i'm good thank you for-" the bell rang. Great. Thank you bell for ruining my moment agh! FUCK YOU BELL FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU BELL...

"see you during passing period for 3 period babe. Bye I love you I need to get to class", Dillon said. "Okay then bye see ya." I said. He then left to Science and i went to History class.....

When I got into class everyone got quiet and all eyes were on me... oh yeah bitches look at the queen. Slay you peasants with my beautiness. Just kidding. I got into class and saw my best friend, Vivieene Folland. We've been best friends since 3rd grade. She's dating a bright blue eyed boy whose name I have forgotten. I think it's Nash...... "hey girl" she said. "hey" I said and went to my seat....

History was boring. We learned about... Well I don't know I wasn't paying attention.

I was busy talking to my friends since the teacher only talks and the majority of the class is talking. I also can't really hear what he says so why not? Well history is boring. I like Math & science more....

The bell rang and I saw Vivieene run to Nash... Nash turned. Vivieene jumped on him. He caught her and they started to make out....

Then I felt someone slap my ass. I turned around to find it was some guy named Austin. "hello there sexy" he said to me... "leave me alone" I said and began walking and he stopped me. "where do you think your going?" "Nutrition. Now let me go!" I said. "No I won't". He began to touch me. "Leave me alone!" I said "No. I want you" he said and began kissing my neck. I tried so hard to take him off me. Then I hear "Hey leave her alone!" thank you God it's my boyfriend. "Who are you?!"

"My boyfriend" I said quickly and my boyfriend pushed him... he fell hard to the ground ouch... "I'm her future husband who are-"Bam he got kicked in the face.... "I'm her boyfriend" Dillon said. I looked at Austin and he looked at me angrily...

Austin threw himself and began punching and so did my boyfriend. Then a girl passed by, turned our way, and starts to say "Fight, Fight, Fight!" Then a group of others came and say the same thing.. Great...

Dillon was now on top of Austin punching him and Austin was trying to punch back but couldn't really.... "Dillon, babe stop!" "why he touched you! no one touches my girl! no one! who ever touches what's mine get his punishment and this is his punishment"

"Dillon please babe I love you and only you" I say he gets off Austin who now has a bloody mouth and has a black eye. "Touch my girl again and it will be worse you got it?" Austin, now afraid, nods and runs away... "Babe are you okay? did he hurt you?" "No, but thanks for coming to save me, my hero" I said and kissed him..

I held his hand and we began walking to the benches. Only 20 more mins left (nutrition is half and hour and lunch is 1 hour and a half total of 8 per school ends at 2:50 starts at 5:30Am yes so early I know)

Once we sat there all of our friends joined and we all began to talk about the most random things ever. we talked about pizza, colors, music, movies, social media, etc etc. "hey Dillon. can I ask you something?" "yeah sure Hollie ask me anything "Have you ever....."





Cliff hanger or nah? Lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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