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I usually make my mother ride me to school, but today I want to go on the bus to see one of my best friends, Mike. Mike and I are totally different from each other. He likes sports and working on bikes while  I like anime  and manga. I got him into anime though. I only just moved in somewhere around the winter of 2016, and when this takes place, it's somewhere in 2018 during school. I live in an apartment with my mother and her boyfriend. I do my usual morning rituals , take 8 minutes to get out of bed, put my clothes on, if I remember my dream, document it so I can try to figure out the patterns and take control of them at some point, do my hair , drink my coffee (and yes, I drink coffee at 11 years old and have been since I was in single digits.), and grab my shit and go. After that, I walk to my bus stop with Mike, and another kid named Nathan. After we stand in the cold, freezing our asses off, and just do dumb shit, Mike and I go on our bus. Nathen rides a different one cause he goes to another school. Anyway, while we sit in our assigned seats, the girl who sits next to us, annoys us . Her name is Jenna. Jenna is a bitch who has a crush on Mike. We all know she does because she has asked him out -Through MY phone for some reason or another- many times before, numerous times, and many ways. I usually just ignore her and her slutty-ass self. She has a crush on literally like 27 people. As we ride a little bit, my crush comes on. Her name is Bri. (I only had a crush on her for a little bit because I like some else now .) She comes on and sits a couple seats back . Sometimes she sits with us. As we ride the bus , me and Mike make drug and alcohol jokes. As we move we stop for this annoying sunvabitch, Dylan. Dylan tells everyone's secrets to everyone. Sometimes we talk about our love lives and crushes. He sits behind us, so he hears EVERYTHING we say. He's a huge tattle-tale . I'm a good kid so I don't get in trouble. I'm actually pretty smart too. I have a 4.0 grade point average. Anyway, we talk and I listen to Nightcore music on my phone with headphones. We get to school and we go in. Mike usually goes to breakfast, while I go straight to class. I get to class and I have Bri and Dylan so... Yeah... My only close friends are Mike, Bri, Chris, Shelby, Rylee, and Lilly. (I used to have a crush on Bri, then I switched it to the most beautiful and radiant girl ever , Lilly.) My friend Shelby hurts everyone ( Her and I actually have Hapkido together so.... Cool. Hapkido is a Martial art like karate and Kung Fu. Chris is never taking anything serious. He just makes SML/SLL Jeffy quote jokes all the time. Rylee was my first friend at this school. Lilly likes Anime and video games, like me, so naturally, we get along. One day, I just felt really depressed. I sat there and stared at my desk. I was just... thinking about me, and my pathetic life . I was questioning my sexuality. A few days before I just.... felt weird so I went and searched on Google for "Are you gay tests." I tested positive for each and every one of them I took. I didn't think I was gay because I have a crush on Lilly. I was totally oblivious to any other sexuality besides gay, lesbian, heterosexual, and bisexual. At that point I just thought I was a disappointment. I cried a little. Rylee and Bri came over  and comforted me . They were prying a little too hard to find out what was wrong with me. I  didn't tell them. Throughout the entire day, I just sat there. A couple days of Rylee prying went by and it was a golf outing feild trip. I sat with Rylee on the bus. She kept asking me what  was wrong and I answered submissively. This is not going to be fun....

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