Can't Afford To Rest (Logicality)

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Eight days.

That is how long Logan had been going on without sleep.

That is how long he had put on the façade that he was okay.

That is how long Logan had been working, only coming out to eat.

That is how long Logan had had a few close calls and nodded off at his desk for a minute or two every so often.

That is how long Logan had been torturing himself to keep working.


Patton had obviously been worried about the analytical and logical Side, and his recent boyfriend. Patton had never seen Logan like this. Sure, Logan had locked himself into his room for a few days, but he never seemed so... Exhausted. Patton could see through Logan's mask. Logan was tired. And Patton knew that.

It was the eighth day that Logan hadn't gotten any sleep when Patton went up to truly talk to Logan. Patton had obviously checked on Logan. He was the 'Dad' character and everything. It was his job to worry.

Logan was nodding off at his desk for who knows how many times that day when he heard the knock on his door. He stretched a bit, cracking his neck before he mumbled, "Door's unlocked."

Patton opened the door quietly. He pulled up a chair, sitting next to Logan. "Hiya, Logan..." There wasn't the chipper tone in Patton's voice like usual.

Logan didn't seem to notice. "Salutations, Patton. How can I-" He interrupted himself with a loud yawn. He shook his head, as if that would wake him up. "Apologies for that. Now, how may I be of assistance?"

Patton tapped his fingers against his leg, then stopped, grabbing onto Logan's hand. "Logan, can you be honest with me?"

Logan hesitated to answer. He held onto Patton's hand, which caused Patton to grip onto his hand more.

Logan sighed, but he let out a quiet, "Alright." He gave a nod towards Patton, signifying for Patton to start speaking.

Patton took in a breath, then asked, "Why haven't you been downstairs lately?" He didn't want to start with a super personal answer, in case that would anger Logan.

Logan ran his free hand through his hair, letting out a breath of relief. "I've just been working lately. You do not have to worry, Patton."

But Patton did worry. "Does it all have to be done today? You could take a day to relax..."

Logan shook his head. "It does not necessarily need to be done today, but I'd rather it to be. That is why I must keep working."

This caused Patton to frown. "Logan, be honest with these questions. When was the last time you ate? Or the last time you slept?"

Logan froze, and that was all the answer Patton needed to freak out at him. "Logan, that's not okay!! You can't do that to yourself!!!"

Logan looked down. "I apologise, but I cannot stop. If Thomas is going to properly function-"

"Then you need to take care of yourself!" Patton cut him off. "Thomas cannot properly function if any of us are basically zombies! You can't do this to yourself!!" Tears were spilling down Patton's face.

Logan frowned, wiping away Patton's tears. "Please don't cry." He embraced Patton in a hug, letting Patton just cry everything out. Logan did feel bad for making Patton worry..

Patton eventually stopped crying. He raised his head up, looking a little worn out himself.

Logan sighed. "How about we both lay down? Together, so you know I'm with you."

Patton only nodded, yawning slightly. He didn't argue when Logan picked him up. Logan then laid them both down, only covering Patton with a blanket. Patton clung to Logan, but also to the blanket.

Logan pretended to be asleep until he heard Patton's quiet snores, signifying that Patton was truly asleep. He then replaced himself with a pillow, got up, them sat back at his desk, continuing to work.

He knew he was basically a zombie at this point.

He knew he should lay back down.

He knew that he would get a severe talking to in the morning.

But, right now, he didn't care.

As long as Thomas was getting what he needed to function...


Boy howdy, this thing is 700 words.
I hope that suffices until I get the motivation to write the next one.
Here's some Logan angst.
I hope you enjoyed.

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