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Late update; writer's block. This chapter holds a surprise ;)

A normal day that's what this day is. The only thing different is the fact that there's a rematch for the captain position on our football team next week. Which means that Jace was that good to make coach consider my position as team captain.

I've been team captain ever since I tried out for the football team in middle school. I learned to play football at my aunt's house every summer. She introduced me to football when I was just 5 years old. She and I played every day until we were too tired and our muscles ached. I became good enough to try out for the football team at school. This was 7 years after I discovered my passion for football.

Me and Alex kept on competing and he kept on teasing me about girls don't play football crap. I proved him wrong and beat him every time. He eventually stopped teasing me and trying to compete because he knew he would lose and that would only hurt his ego.

I'm currently sitting in bed and wondering how mermaids pee. Yes very odd thought but I have very weird thoughts in the morning. I woke up 10 minutes earlier than I'm supposed to so I'm keeping myself busy.

I realize that my ten minutes are over when my alarm rings and my mom yells 'wake up' from downstairs.

I get ready to throw on black skinny jeans which my mom bought me for my birthday last year and throw on an oversized t shirt. I wear my white Yeezys and run downstairs.

My mom is sitting at the kitchen counter. She's reading the morning paper and eating her avocado toast.

"Pancakes are on the stove," she says knowing my diet.

I grab a plate throw the pancakes on and get the maple syrup from the top rack.

"How did you sleep?" I ask her sitting down next to her
She takes off her glasses and puts her hands on her eyes and grunts.

"Not good your dad is coming home tonight" she answers

I love my dad and stuff but he's never home. I know that annoys my mom but she never complains. She always says it's for business and it's important. His answer to being gone for a month is bringing a ton of gifts that he thinks will make us forgive him for his absence. They don't. But then again my mom never complains and neither do I. I just stay out of stuff and try to ignore the divorce papers lying in the office.

I finish my pancake and kiss my mom goodbye.

"Have a good day darling" she says and turns back to her newspaper.

I grab my backpack and sports bag and head out the door. Alex and Ian are sitting in the car waiting for me patiently.

"You're early today well done" Alex high fives me

Entering school is the funniest part of the day. Some people would describe it as boring or embarrassing but I think of it as fun. I get to greet all my friends and say hello to everyone. Some girls go too far when they wear super slutty outfits that don't even qualify as clothes anymore. Those are the kinds of girls like Britney Johnson she bakes her face with makeup and wears short skirts.

I don't want to stereotype but this would be your typical High School mean girl. She has her 2 followers that protect her. She walks in the middle while they walk on her sides. The one on the left is called Diana and the one on the right is called Daphne.

My first crush as a TomboyWhere stories live. Discover now