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"Jung Yungoo," the teacher's voice was scolding, but when I looked up from the book assigned for class, there was a look of worry across her aged face. "There was a call from the boy's class," already the anxiety I felt about being humiliated in front of the class was dispelled. I knew who the call was about even before his name left her lips. "Kim Hanbin-" 

I rose silently from my seat, keeping my eyes lowered on my desk. I straightened everything up before finally glancing towards our teacher. Many of the other girls in the class stared at me, some even placed their hands over their mouth and began whispering to the girl sitting next to him. "I can find him," I offered quietly, my face heating up in a blush. 

Our teacher sighed under her breath and ran a hand through her shoulder length black hair. "Fine," she agreed after a few moments of hesitation. She straightened the glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose before she uttered something about my grades slipping because of Hanbin, under breath. 

I walked along the back of the classroom to avoid causing distraction as the lecture and lesson picked back up. I shut the door to the room as silently as possible behind me, before beginning my "search" for my best friend. Though I knew where he would be, because it's where he was whenever he felt like writing music. I walked in the direction of the library, bowing my head in the direction of any classmates I happened to pass. They wouldn't rat me out to their homeroom teachers, because they were used to me navigating the halls at this time. It had become a sort of joke surrounding Hanbin and I. 

I stopped at the doors to the library, rocking onto the balls of my feet to see if I could catch a glimpse of Hanbin and his black hair. I settled back on my feet, before I gingerly pulled the library doors open, stepping into the silent atmosphere and heading directly to his usual table. I found him nestled at a small table at the back of the library, notebooks open and scattered around him.

"They made me come find you again," I sighed out as I eased myself into a stiff wooden chair across from him. "They should be used to it by now and just fail you," I teased, placing my elbows onto the table and leaning my weight against them to try and catch any meaning behind the messy handwriting scribbled fast across the lined pieces of paper. 

"They're not going to fail me." He didn't lift his head to answer, but I could see the smile that pulled at his lips. "I get all my work done and turn it in on time." He finally lifted his gaze and stopped his frenzied writing to look at me. My heart thudded behind my ribs and any teasing words I had planned as a rebuttal got caught in my throat. His eye shape and the dimple that sank into his cheek made me breathless. His pretty smile made me lost for words. But I would never tell him that. 

"So." I dropped my arms into my lap and leaned back against the chair, cringing at the stiff wood that dug into my back. "When are you leaving to become a trainee for YG?" I hated speaking about it, it made me physically ill to know he would be leaving for an extensive period of time and we would have no means of communication. However, there was a spark in his eye that he got at any mention of becoming a trainee for YG. 

"They haven't talked about it," his words were meant to have a calming effect, especially with his soothing tone but they just made me feel worse. "I think it might be after this semester." I nodded in understanding but said nothing, letting the silence of the library slip into our atmosphere. I was nervous about him leaving. I was nervous about the survival show that YG had planned. Rumors had been circulating for awhile now.

I shifted and leaned forward in the old chair, the wood creaking under my weight. I let my hand hover his, and I questioned the hesitancy before he placed my smaller hands in between both of his. I swallowed down a gasp and let my gaze meet his. "No matter what happens," my hushed words were shaky and I'm sure Hanbin noticed, "I'm always here for you." Hanbin smiled a genuine smile, his dimple sinking into his cheek. He tightened his grip around my hand before he released me, directing his attention on gathering up the items scattered around the circular table. 

"I know," he teased, drawing out his words. He shoved all of his belongings into his book bag, before slugging the heavy thing over his shoulders. "Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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