The Beginning

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It was an average evening for Bob Duncan. He had just gotten home from exterminating bugs, and Amy was busy preparing supper. He could smell the wonderful aroma of the lasagna and started to drift off to sleep...

"DADDY," screeched his youngest offspring, Toby Wan Kenobi Duncan. "Yes?" sighed Bob, still half asleep. "Supper is ready! Mommy said  if you don't come to the kitchen right now, she is going to beat you!"

Bob hurriedly scrambled into the kitchen, where Amy and the rest of the children were already sitting. Gabe stabbed P.J. with his fork and they began to fight. The lasagna looked fantastic, but Bob was willing to bet it tasted awful. He took a bite, and long story short, it was putrid.

"How is it honey?" asked Amy with a big smile on her face.
"It's wonderful!" he replied with an equally as huge smile.
It wasn't. His children were fighting each other and his dinner sucked. He longed for a change. But how would that change occur?

Bob & Dabney: A Tale of Two LoversWhere stories live. Discover now